Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The New Year....Day 132

This will be short as my daughter, husband, and I are in a mean game of Wheel of Fortune on the PS3. :). Things sure do change once you have kids, New Year's is staying at home in your pj's trying to keep your eyes open to see the ball drop.  There are many things that  I am thankful for this last year, I will reflect tomorrow.  Tonight I am thankful for this time with my family, thankful that even though Landry is sick again, at least he is not in the hospital, and he is still playing, eating, and drinking.  Happy New Year to all of you and may you seek JOY every single day in 2014!
My sweet congested and coughing little man napping today. He loves his cars!

Playing Wheel of Fortune 

Girls beat daddy in Wheel of Fortune!!!

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