Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 133...A Few Words

I was going to reflect on last years goals and what my new ones are.  However, as I sit down to write this blog, I am not feeling it.  I will just simply write what I am thankful for today.
1.  Being with my husband and kids on our last day before both Josh and I go back to work tomorrow.  
2. Our dinner talk tonight over homemade chicken and noodle soup.  We discussed our "family" word for this year - Gentle Words.  I will write more about this later.
3. The way God speaks to me in His own time.  I am still processing this one and will write more about this later as well.
4. My husband. I know I write about him a lot, but he is truly truly amazing.

Thankful for this new year, thankful for God's love.

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