Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day 123...Finding Joy When Your Child is Inconsolable

Today was a rather hard day. My poor little guy has had a fever since Thursday with no other symptoms or so we thought.  However, tonight he would not stop crying, won't eat, and he looked awful.  We took him to urgent care and yet another ear infection, another round of antibiotics which his something we and the pediatrician are trying to avoid since he's been on so many.
I am praying he feels better soon, it really sucks when kids are sick.
In the midst of all of this we were trying to have a family birthday dinner for Josh and things were just crazy and stressful.  I had to remind myself to breathe and remember things could be much much worse and I should be thankful it is just an ear infection.  So tonight I am thankful we figured out why he was having the fevers, hopefully the medicine will start working, and that it is temporary.  God is good!

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