Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 110....A Glimpse of Her Toddler Years Outside My Window

Today I have literally sat at my desk in my bedroom from 10:30am until now which is 9:30pm, studying for this test.  I am going stir crazy to say the least - :).  This afternoon as more snow graciously fell from the sky, I heard some scraping in our driveway.  I went to my window which faces our driveway and saw my little girl all bundled up "shoveling" our driveway.  I had to do a double take because for a second it looked like my Hadley was three instead of 7 1/2.  I have this adorable picture of her all bundled up like the kid in A Christmas Story when she was just a toddler and seeing her out my window today took me back to that time.  I just stood there feeling sort of sad and proud all at the same time.  Sad because she is growing up and proud because she was outside trying to clear off our driveway with her little plastic shovel I had purchased at a yard sale this past summer.  I am so thankful that we have been blessed with my sweet girl all of these years.  I am thankful she is healthy and able to be outside shoveling.  I am thankful that she had such a loving heart to try and clear off our driveway.  I had found out later that while she was out there, she had also taken the initiative to clean off the snow on her daddy's truck.  I am thankful for her heart, thankful for that sweet glimpse of going back in time today.  I am thankful that she also loves to laugh and spend time with her friends, just as she did today with our neighbor sledding!  Thank you God for my sweet girl!
Hadley when she was 3 :)

Hadley today - 7 1/2

Sledding today with her buddy

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