Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Days Where You Feel Like You Are in a Fog but There Are the Comfy Things...

Today was such a sluggish day for me. I had really hurt my back over break, so I wasn't feeling great.  It was our first day back to the "grind" and I started some new things in my classroom which left me lying awake most of the night worrying about how it would go.  The combo of not feeling great and no sleep left me feeling blah all day and tonight.  So for today I am very thankful for my warm house, my awesome comfy nutcracker pajama pants from Old Navy that I have had since high school (for real), my big comfy hoodie from CBC (my college, now CCU), my big cuddle dog Jake, and my new slippers.  Sometimes it really is just the little things.  God is good!

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