Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 2 of Advent - Putting Words into Action with the Family

Today was our last day of break before going back to school and work.  I think I finally realized something today (crazy I know, don't judge) that no matter how you plan and think a perfect little family day will be in your head, it never will be.  I had pictured today (sort of) that all of us would sit at the table or couch and read the Advent story from yesterday and today, and that we would be strolling in Walmart with excitement to buy gifts for our angel tree kids, and that Hadley would happily find our kindness angel this morning and couldn't wait to get dressed and go shopping for our angel tree kids. Hadley I think was a bit disappoint when the kindness angel was a note saying we are buying gifts for our angel tree.  We went to lunch and I had to take a little ride in the car with Miss Hadley since she was not cooperating at the restaurant, which meant my food was cold and Josh and Landry were finished eating when we returned.  However, it turned into a great teaching moment, she never thought I'd ever take her out and we actually left, meaning left in our car ( I went to get gas all the while having a come to Jesus talk with her), and the rest of the day she was pretty good!  Our trip to Walmart was okay until we checked out and yes the screams from the line was my son protesting to not put his coat and hat on and continued until we drove off.  We returned home and some how Landry went outside while letting our dogs out and he proceeded to walk back in my kitchen floors that I had just steamed prior to our outing today with yep, dog poo all over the floor.  As I was sighing and getting annoyed I then thought, this is our life, it isn't perfect, my floors may stay clean for 5 minutes, there will be tantrums, crying, back talking, but its our life, so I went to Josh and said that, and we laughed, he grabbed my hand and said, " Yep, and we will laugh to make it through!"
The rest of the evening was spent with my daughter at our favorite coffee shop, she read and played on her Kindle while I studied, very pleasant.  I write all of this to say that I am thankful for the days where I "expect" Hallmark perfect family days, and am quickly reminded they NEVER will be and that is OKAY!  I am thankful for teachable moments with Hadley, they help her to learn and me as well as a parent.  I am thankful for my son and his tantrums because it means he's growing and developing his own personality and that he can talk!!! :) I am thankful that I have my husband right here with me through all of the chaos.  I am thankful for laughter, I sure could use more of that in my life! :)  God is good!  And as a side note, we still didn't read our 2nd day of Advent devotions...we'll get there, it will be okay!
Hadley at her first Upwards Basketball practice

Hadley and I at our favorite coffee shop

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