Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day 125.. Thankful

Praise God my sweet little guy is FINALLY feeling better! He woke up not looking like a leper and was smiling a lot more today! Today was a fun day of just making memories, new traditions, and celebrating Jesus' birth.  I ventured out to Krogers today which I will probably never do again on Christmas Eve, it was insanely busy.  However, while shopping it kept me in check on how I reacted to people when they were rude, and also to make a conscious effort to spread some joy and gratitude for those poor people who had to work today.  I believe it can make someone's day when you stop, look at someone in the eye and say "Thank you" and/or "Merry Christmas!"
I am thankful for baking with my kiddos today, Landry loves to dump things in the bowl and Hadley is learning to measure things out and follow a recipe.  One of our traditions is baking Jesus a birthday cake on Christmas Eve and then celebrating first thing on Christmas morning.  It was a lot of fun today. Church was a special time tonight despite little man not understanding the importance of being quiet during a candle light service :), but I love hearing the Christmas story and every time I read it or hear someone preach about it, God teaches me something new.  
We started a new tradition tonight; ordering pizza after church and eating by candlelight at home.  It was low stress and fun to just share this meal together.  The kids then opened their traditional new Christmas pj's and new ornaments I get them each year. And then Hadley read us The Night Before Christmas and The Birth of Jesus out of the Bible, sweet precious sound hearing her read scripture.
So much to be thankful for.  I am also so incredibly thankful for our wonderful friends Rob and Jess from Virginia who sent our kids gifts, they loved them. I am thankful our kids are loved by so many people. 
I am thankful for time spent with my family, making memories, celebrating Christ's birth, and experiencing real joy today! God is good!
Making Jesus' cake

As always, a silly picture has to be taken :)

Love these two

Extremely excited this DVD has an elephant on it Horton Hears A Who - from Uncle Rob and Aunt Jess

Just opened her new lamp with a pink heart on it. Can you tell she loves it?! Thanks Uncle Rob and Aunt Jess

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