Friday, October 4, 2013

TGIF - This Day Presented a Whole New Meaning

I have never been so glad for it to be Friday.  It has been a very long, crazy, stressful, and now a sad ending to my week.  The weight of my son and where he will be going during the day weighs very heavily on my heart.  I know without a doubt God has a plan and has known this all along, but for today it doesn't make it any easier.  I know for some that read this may think I am over reacting or I need to get over it and move on, yes, I know and I will, but as a mom and for other parents out there as well as for anyone who cares and loves someone, you still have a time of feeling sad and worried about how this will effect your child or person you care for.  You want the best for them no matter what and try to protect them from unnecessary hurt or sadness.
My son has had a great week at school this week, the past three days, no accidents and has done amazing! I was so sad when I picked him up today because as we were leaving he waved to every single child and said, "See you guys, bye bye!" He named both teachers and told them bye.  I just hate it that he will no longer be seeing his new buddies after next week.  I am thankful for this brief time and all that he has learned and how he has grown in many ways.  I just have to keep my eyes on God and rely on Him.
I am thankful today that there are a few leads on people that may or may not work out, but am thankful God is showing me glimpses that He is going to take care of my sweet boy.  I am thankful that he had the hugest grin and couldn't wait to jump off the truck he was playing on to give me a hug.
I am thankful that my husband is the dad that he is and took our girl on a daddy/daughter date.  They have their special place they eat at every date which is Stephen's.  It is a very nice place, one where she always wheres a dress and she gets Josh in dress pants, shoes (which if you know my man, this is big), button down shirt tucked in, and tonight he wore cologne! The anticipation of my girl since he told her the other day has been so sweet to watch.  She was so excited to come home, take a shower, pick out her dress, have me braid her hair, and she put on her favorite necklace.  I am thankful I married this man and that he is such a remarkable dad!
I am thankful for all the supporting comments and texts today, and the prayers. It really means a lot!
God is still in control and good!
All dressed up for her daddy date!

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