Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Day 64...Thankful It's Not Pneumonia...

And so it begins..our third Fall of my precious son Landry being sick often.  It is only October and we are on round number four of antibiotics due to this crappy infection that doesnt want to go away.  I absolutely hate giving him medicine, but he feels so awful, I have no choice.  He has been sick off and on for the past month, that cough is back, the rattle in is chest, and I was so worried that when Josh took him today that he would have pneumoina.  Praise God he doesnt!! I am thankful that he doesnt have another ear infection.  I am thankful my husband was able to take a break and take him to the doctor.  I am thankful that he had Cara to hang out at home today since I couldn't.  I am thankful we have  a God that I can turn too when I start to worry about my sweet Landry boy.  I am thankful I can pray to Him to keep my son well this season, and no matter the toucome, He is always there.  I am thankful my boy wanted his momma tonight.  I am thankful for my cuddle time with my daughter and listening to her read.   God is good!

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