Thursday, October 24, 2013

Pushing Through the Hard Days...Thankful for Knowing They Happen and Can Push Through Them..Day 65

One of the vast differences in my dealing with the hard days 66 days ago and now is that I can accept and know they'll happen, and know I can push through them.  Sixty-six days ago when I had hard days, I often felt like I was in quick sand; unable to get out and would just keep sinking and sinking.  One of my struggles is letting others steal my joy.  Which in turn is my own fault for letting that happen.  I am slowly but surely starting to develop thick skin, I am talking slowly as I went from having no layer to maybe an 1/8 of a, but hey it's progress.  I have come to realize that being a teacher,a mother, and really, anything you do in life,  you face a lot of judgement, a lot of scrutiny, and will never making everyone happy.  I am one of those people who hates conflict, wants everyone to like me, wants to please everyone, and like everyone else; desires to be accepted by everyone.  At the age of 33, I am still learning that conflict will always happen and doesn't always mean it has to be a completley negative thing, that there will ALWAYS be people that do not like me and I need to be okay with that, I will NEVER please everyone, this includes my friends, my students, their parents, co-workers, people you serve with in the church, and even people in my family, and I will never be accepted by everyone.
Today was a day of testing of just how I can accept alll those things I mentioned and not let it get me down, and I failed, well, somewhat.  I succeeded however, at realizing it isn't the end of the world, I can push through and God's got me.  I am so thankful for knowing His peace, His comfort, and His unconditional love and acceptance.  I know that on the days I struggle with feeling alone and missing my mom, missing the "mom" figures that God placed in my life, wrestling and trying to understand why my mom is no longer here, wrestling with the desire to have that "mother-daughter" relationship with someone and not finding it or feeling like I don't have that; God is still there.  I am learning to sit in His lap and rest in Him.  I am learning to be still and listen, to hear God speak.  It is hard, but I am trying.  God is good.
"Be still and know that I am God."  Psalm 46:10

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