Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 68....When You Want to Throw Your Hands Up...You Meet A Special Friend for Food

Just when you think you have at least one thing figured out, something happens.  I should already know this by now that just because you have planned things to go as you planned doesn't mean it will always go that way.  There are simply just things out of your control.  After weeks of figuring out Landry's childcare situation, we thought we finally settled on who and where and again, the day before starting something new, those plans are thrown out the window.  We are again, scrambling, praying, and figuring out what we will do for two days of no childcare for Landry.  I have come to realize that I absolutely hate finding child care.  It has been one of the most stressful things to deal with. I mean, it is a child, the most important person in a parents life, you have to choose carefully, be picky, and trust someone with their life.  I don't feel I have taken this lightly,so when we finally did come to a decision of who would watch him, it was a relief.  However, we are back at the drawing board, but I am thankful we found out some information before tomorrow and  I am thankful we are just scrambling for two days/week.
This weekend has been trying to say the least and when things get stressful and crazy, I just want to throw my hands up and run away. :) Instead, I texted my sweet friend Brittany tonight and we met up for some food.  It is amazing what an hour of sharing your frustrations and sorrows with a good friend can do.  Having someone give you a hug, listening to you, and giving advice, really is seriously good for the soul.  I am so thankful that I have Brittany, she dropped everything and hung out with me, thankful for her friendship.
I am thankful for my husband who is always so gentle, and knows when I need some girl time.
I am also thankful for all that read this and put up with my not so great blogs such as tonight, it feels jumbled; but I guess that is how I am feeling tonight, jumbled and stressed.  God is still good!

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