Saturday, October 26, 2013

Day 67...A Day In Sweats and a Hoodie and a Sweet Note and New Scarf From My Dear Friend

Today was relaxing, chaotic, busy, fun, trying, and awesome all at the same time.  It is the first Saturday that we didn't have any plans, especially since little man is still fighting his infection, so we had to stay in.  All of us slept in until almost 8 (which is totally sleeping in for me now since I get up at 5am), and we stayed in our sweats and hoodies all day. That may sound strange that I am thankful for that, but I am.  There is something to wearing comfy clothes that help you relax.  The day was relaxing in a sense we had nowhere to be, no schedule; but chaotic in the sense that having two children cooped up in the house all day made for hyper children this evening along with a spunky puppy as well.  It was busy in the sense that I had many loads of laundry to catch up on, changing out summer to winter clothes for the kids, and reorganizing our mudroom.  It was an awesome day because Josh's grandparents ended up coming over to see us just to hang out, which I am always thankful to just hang with people we love.  Today was very trying as a parent as both children are very much testing their boundaries and it felt like all we were doing was disciplining and correcting their bad behavior.
A huge surprise that brought me so much joy was a gift in the mail from my sweet and dearest friend Katie.  I have mentioned her often as she has been a huge encouragement during this process of writing my days of thankfulness, and because she is such a dear friend to me.  I opened my big yellow envelope to find an amazingly beautiful scarf that she purchased in Arkansas and a super sweet note from her.  It wasnt just that she had boughten me something, but she bought me something because she had seen something that reminded her of me and she knew I loved scarves.  I think true friends take that time to look for our likes rather than just randomly buying something or asking what our likes are.  It takes a true friend to also write a sweet encouragement note as well.  I am so thankful for Katie and her loving and thoughtful heart.  I am thankful for days like today.  God is good!

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