Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The New Year....Day 132

This will be short as my daughter, husband, and I are in a mean game of Wheel of Fortune on the PS3. :). Things sure do change once you have kids, New Year's is staying at home in your pj's trying to keep your eyes open to see the ball drop.  There are many things that  I am thankful for this last year, I will reflect tomorrow.  Tonight I am thankful for this time with my family, thankful that even though Landry is sick again, at least he is not in the hospital, and he is still playing, eating, and drinking.  Happy New Year to all of you and may you seek JOY every single day in 2014!
My sweet congested and coughing little man napping today. He loves his cars!

Playing Wheel of Fortune 

Girls beat daddy in Wheel of Fortune!!!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Day 131...Cosby Show with My Girl

I am absolutely lovin' introducing my girl to the all time classic show - The Cosby's! Her giggles throughout are so fun to hear and watch.  It is sad when your kids grow up, but there are so many fun things that you can do as your child gets older, for me right now, watching shows other than cartoons!  I wish there were more family shows like The Cosby Show on now.  I have always loved The Cosby's and have the whole 1st season thanks to my husband who bought it 10 yrs ago for my birthday!
Thankful for this day and spending it with my kiddos.  Thankful for visits from great-grandparents and a nice winter comfort food dinner, baked steak, mashed potatoes, corn, broccoli, and sweet potatoes with marshmallows and brown sugar.  I am most certainly thankful for ending the night in bed with my sweet girl watching The Cosby Show! I am wishing Christmas break would never end!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Organizing... Day 130

I sometimes tend to get little down when Christmas is over and when I'm taking down my Christmas decorations.  However, today as we were taking everything down, Josh said something that made perfect sense.  "It's a new year, new things, and another year with me!" He is a very wise man! 
So as I took things down, I began organizing and rearranging furniture, something I love to do.  I am thankful for new beginnings, thankful for rearranged furniture,  makes our house seem different, and I'm thankful for my sweet and wise hubby who reminded me of the positive.
I am thankful for a few more days off of work to be with my kids.  God is good!
Here are some pics of our obnoxious puppy who thought she was helping me take down the tree today..she's adorable but a big pain in the rear!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Family Time...Day 128

It is always fun to watch cousins who don't see each other often, play together. Today was our family Christmas with my dad, grandparents, and my brother and his family, and the cousins sure enjoyed each other.  They remind me of old friends who may never see each other often, but always pick up where they left off.  I am thankful my kids have cousins to grow up with even though we live a few hours apart.  Today was also family picture day, something my grandma really wanted and I know she prayed really hard that none of the kids would be sick and that it wouldn't snow so we could get a picture of the whole family.  To my surprise it went smoothly considering we had six kids with a 2 yr.old, 2- 3yr. olds, 2-7 yr.olds, and an 8 yr.old. :) I believe we got at least a few with EVERYONE looking at the camera!  I think the most enjoyable part was at the end and we let the kids just play and pose how they wanted; they will probably be the best shots! Thankful for family time, thankful my grandma got her wish of having this picture taken!
Here are a few shots from the photo shoot and of today!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Day 128...A Reminder of Why Putting Forth An Effort Into Relationships Are Important

Tonight was such a great night well spent.  We spent time with some very special friends whom we haven't seen in a long time.  This isn't because we live far away, we are only 30 minutes apart, but we let the busyness and lack of convenience get in the way of hanging out.  I thought as I got older that relationships would be easier, less drama, less dishonesty, and more of people being real, honest, and more accepting of who you are as a person.  Sadly, this isn't the case at all, infact it has gotten worse.  
There are very few people who I honestly can say the latter of my above list, and it is sad.  I am so thankful for tonight, it was a great reminder for me that making time for people is by far worth more than anything else.  When you make time for people, you are doing life together, which in fact helps you get through the hard times easier, and makes life more fun to share the joyous occasions.  Thankful for good friends, thankful for this reminder tonight that putting the effort into people is worth every second, thankful when you can pick right up where you left off with good friends.  God is good!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day 127... Movie With My Love

Today was a rather difficult day. But I am incredibly thankful for the day ending on a positive note. Josh and I had some time with little man while Hadley is spending the night with Grammy. Our night ended with lots of giggles from our little boy and movie time with my love and our furry kids. Thankful for family time and thankful for laughter.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day 126...One of the Best Christmas'

I would have to say that this has been one of the best Christmas' I have had.  Here are my reason's of thankfulness today.
1. The first thing we did and always do when everyone wakes up on Christmas morning is light candles on Jesus' birthday cake and sing Happy Birthday to Jesus.  This was the first year that Landry is understanding this and it was very sweet.
2.  We DID NOT travel anywhere today! This is a tradition we have done a few times since Hadley was born and I absolutely love it when we do.  My kids (and the hubby) stayed in their pj's all day, we weren't rushed in opening gifts, etc, and we just enjoyed each other, their new gifts, food, and family.  Seriously, what a relaxing day!
3.  Watching my children play with their toys so intently.  Landry absolutely loved his big elephant stuffed animal and carried it around with him all day and then would go back to his normal everyday favorite toys; his cars.  He didn't care much to open presents, in fact there are a few still under the tree he hasn't opened, which is just fine with me.  We try really hard as parents to teach them that Christmas isn't about the presents.  Hadley got a new desk, chair, and all the fun little things for her desk - all pink of course.  She spent all day organizing it, writing notes on her new paper.  She also recieved the whole set of Diary of a Wimpy Kid books and she probably has read a whole book already.
4.  Spending time with my husband.  Due to both of us working a lot, it has been so incredibly nice to be with each other these past few days.  It has been good for my sould to spend time with him.
5.  Saving the best and most meaningful for last - Jesus - A tradition that we started for our birthdays is that at our dinner, we all go around and say what we love about that person.  I was excited that at breakfast this morning Hadley said we should say what we love about Jesus.  The things that were mentioned from us were probably the top for me.
What I said: - forgiveness, He always forgives no matter what we have done
Hadley - He loves us no matter what, even the people who dont love Him - Seriously, she hit it on the head.
Jesus loves us despite of how we feel about Him, and He will never stop loving us.
Landry - milk - lol, he's 3 and was drinking his milk at the time
Josh - He died for us and that He had this planned all along even as a baby to save us.

What a wonderful Christmas Day!  Here are a few pics I took on my phone.  The best ones were taken on my real camera and I haven't taken them off yet.  Merry Christmas to each and everyone of you!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day 125.. Thankful

Praise God my sweet little guy is FINALLY feeling better! He woke up not looking like a leper and was smiling a lot more today! Today was a fun day of just making memories, new traditions, and celebrating Jesus' birth.  I ventured out to Krogers today which I will probably never do again on Christmas Eve, it was insanely busy.  However, while shopping it kept me in check on how I reacted to people when they were rude, and also to make a conscious effort to spread some joy and gratitude for those poor people who had to work today.  I believe it can make someone's day when you stop, look at someone in the eye and say "Thank you" and/or "Merry Christmas!"
I am thankful for baking with my kiddos today, Landry loves to dump things in the bowl and Hadley is learning to measure things out and follow a recipe.  One of our traditions is baking Jesus a birthday cake on Christmas Eve and then celebrating first thing on Christmas morning.  It was a lot of fun today. Church was a special time tonight despite little man not understanding the importance of being quiet during a candle light service :), but I love hearing the Christmas story and every time I read it or hear someone preach about it, God teaches me something new.  
We started a new tradition tonight; ordering pizza after church and eating by candlelight at home.  It was low stress and fun to just share this meal together.  The kids then opened their traditional new Christmas pj's and new ornaments I get them each year. And then Hadley read us The Night Before Christmas and The Birth of Jesus out of the Bible, sweet precious sound hearing her read scripture.
So much to be thankful for.  I am also so incredibly thankful for our wonderful friends Rob and Jess from Virginia who sent our kids gifts, they loved them. I am thankful our kids are loved by so many people. 
I am thankful for time spent with my family, making memories, celebrating Christ's birth, and experiencing real joy today! God is good!
Making Jesus' cake

As always, a silly picture has to be taken :)

Love these two

Extremely excited this DVD has an elephant on it Horton Hears A Who - from Uncle Rob and Aunt Jess

Just opened her new lamp with a pink heart on it. Can you tell she loves it?! Thanks Uncle Rob and Aunt Jess

Monday, December 23, 2013

Something Peaceful about A Sleeping Child, Even When Sick... Day125

I am absolutely ready for my little guy to start feeling better.  On top of his ear infection he broke out in hives due to a reaction to his medication for his ear infection.  The poor kid is down right miserable, can't get comfortable, very tired, not much of an appetite, and just sick.  This is the area in my life where I still have a long way to grow when it comes to not drowning myself in worry and fear.  I have a really hard time letting God take care of my baby, and fully trusting that He's got this.  I have to admit I haven't enjoyed my break as much due to him being so sick, and I know I have got to surrender my son and his sickness over to God and  let Him handle it.  This has also challenged me in finding joy but I still have and here's my list for today.
1. Time off of work
2. Josh is also off of work this week
3. Quality time with Hadley watching Hallmark Christmas movies and making a nativity scene
4. Spending time with our close friends
5. More snuggles from Landry since he's sick
6. Watching my little guy curled up on the couch sleeping, so peaceful despite feeling miserable. This child NEVER falls asleep anywhere but in bed in a room with no one else and he went to sleep tonight with a movie on and other people talking.
7. The weather is cold again today after our heat wave the past few days

As always there are always things to be thankful for, God is good!
My sweet boy asleep on the couch

The awesome nativity scene Hadley made all by herself - this really makes me smile

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Children Singing= Joy... Day 124

I absolutely loved the way our church did the children's Christmas program this year.  Instead of having several practices they just practiced tonight an hour before the real program! It was fantastic.  The kids sang great, there were some very funny moments, and the best part was it still brought the message of  why we celebrate Christmas-Jesus birth.  There was no stress of taking kids to practice during this crazy time do year.  Today I was feeling pretty anxious and worried about Landry being sick with new symptoms today, but after watching Hadley and the other kids singing and dancing - having pure joy took all my worries away for awhile.   I am thankful that God reminds me of His joy through children.  I am thankful that He uses children to help me focus on Him rather then worry.
I am also thankful for connecting with a lady from church tonight while the kids practiced.  I knew who she was because she is on staff at church, but she had never met me.  I am normally not very outgoing when it comes to meeting new people, but I over heard her saying she was going to a coffee shop and I asked if she minded if I joined her.  That was really stepping out of my comfort zone,  but it was a great hour spent talking about life over a peppermint bark latte.  God is good even when there are times of worry. 
I love the expression on Hadley's face when she walked on stage tonight.  She was an angel in the program and sang and danced with joy :)

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day 123...Finding Joy When Your Child is Inconsolable

Today was a rather hard day. My poor little guy has had a fever since Thursday with no other symptoms or so we thought.  However, tonight he would not stop crying, won't eat, and he looked awful.  We took him to urgent care and yet another ear infection, another round of antibiotics which his something we and the pediatrician are trying to avoid since he's been on so many.
I am praying he feels better soon, it really sucks when kids are sick.
In the midst of all of this we were trying to have a family birthday dinner for Josh and things were just crazy and stressful.  I had to remind myself to breathe and remember things could be much much worse and I should be thankful it is just an ear infection.  So tonight I am thankful we figured out why he was having the fevers, hopefully the medicine will start working, and that it is temporary.  God is good!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 122... Celebrating My Love

So incredibly thankful for my awesome husband! I am thankful he was born and that we were able to celebrate him turning 33 over yummy Thai food and seeing Anchorman 11! I am thankful for another year of growing old together! God is good!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 121...Christmas Traditions

This was our 6th year of going uptown Athens to ride the horse and wagon ride.  A local man who has horses and a wagon every year in the month of December offers free rides in uptown Athens.  I get just as excited as my children do every year.  There is something magical when riding with Christmas lights and music playing.  I am so thankful for starting this tradition with our kids and thankful for the sparkle in their eyes and excitement.  We had a wonderful night of making memories, and I am forever grateful.


Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 120... A Little Me Time

This may sound selfish, but today I am thankful for some me time during my hair appointment.  I truly believe it's essential as a parent to have that time once in awhile to do something fun and relaxing just for you.  It helps you as a parent to take a breath, regroup, and just relax.  I am thankful for a wonderful husband who makes this possible.  I am thankful for having someone wash my hair, I seriously think if I could pick a luxury it would be having someone wash and fix my hair everyday. :) I am thankful for this day and thankful for some me time and I will not feel guilty or allow others to make me feel guilty for doing this.  I believe this makes me a more patient momma!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 119...Thankful for One on One Time

There is just something special about having that one on one time with your children.  Tonight it was my little man and I hanging out at home.  Josh took Hadley out for a daddy/daughter date and I was excited to just have some time with Landry.  Of course my idea of hanging out would be him snuggling under a blanket with me on the couch while I read him books or watching a Christmas movie, but as any normal 3 yr. old he wanted to run around, chase the dog, anything but snuggling with me.  I am thankful for my little boy and that he is healthy to be able to run around and chase the dog.  I am thankful for his deep belly laughs that appear out of nowhere while we are playing.  I am thankful that he loves elephants right now and his expressions when he watches them on TV.   I am thankful for these precious times even though in the moment sometimes I feel like I may pull my hair out because he refuses to try to pee before bed and will just stand there and laugh.  I am thankful for his sweet prayer before bed and that he will only kneel down, bow his head, and fold his hands before he will pray.  I am thankful for this because he is developing his own way of doing things, loves his routine, and he's shaping into a young man.  I am so thankful for my son, thankful for these nights, thankful for his kissable cheeks, and his big smile.  God is good!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 118...Thankful We Have Plenty and Then Some..

As everyone this time of year, we think of the poor and the children who may not receive gifts at Christmas, we bring in food for families, etc.  Sadly, and I am guilty of this as well, this is sometimes the only time that the poor and needy are thought of, and taken care of.  Since I have started teaching this year in a very poor area I have had my eyes opened a bit more as to how some children really live.  Some of the students there do not have parents, do not have a warm place to live, and this is everywhere, but I have never been in daily contact with it.  It literally breaks my heart and I wish I could bring those students home with me.  So yes this year, I am even more thankful for all the things that my family and I have.  I mean, we really have so much more then we really need.  My prayer is that as a mom, that I instill this in my children of just how blessed we are and that we should always be willing to share and be giving with a joyful heart.  There are days where I feel like nothing has sunk in with Hadley, and that she is just this little girl who wants everything her friends have.  However, then there are days like today where her big giving heart shines through and then I realize, she is a kid, an imperfect person just like me.   We are imperfect people who do sinful things, and being selfish is one of those, does it mean we have bad hearts? I don't think so, we need Jesus, just like everyone else. I am thankful for all that God has provided, incredibly thankful. I am thankful that my children's basic needs are met and then some.  I am thankful for moments like today when I see Hadley's love of God shine through to other people, especially to people she has never met.  Thank you God for all that you have given us.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Day 117...Impromptu Family Reunion

Today was such a sweet day!  I found out last night that all of my cousins were coming to visit my 'ole stompin' grounds to have a get together for Christmas.  So at the last minute, I jumped on the road along with my daughter and we drove a few hours to see everyone! I am so glad we did. It was the first time we have gotten together for a joyous occasion rather then for funerals.  I really wish we could see more of each other, we have so much in common, it is so neat to see our kids playing together, and today it was bittersweet because my uncle's were not there, but as my cousin said, their dad would be so happy that we all got together.  I am thankful for a well spent non-planned day with my family, a nice drive and Christmas shopping with my girl, and to end it listening to beautiful music at church tonight (that is until we had to leave due to my rambunctious son who wasn't into "listening quietly" to the music).  God is good!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day 116...Thankful For Catching Up

There is a lot of negativity on Facebook, but the one positive I love is chatting with family that you haven't seen or talked to in awhile! A conversation with my cousin struck up all because a comment was made on a picture I posted tonight.  I am so thankful that we were able to catch up and talk about things going on in our lives.  I am thankful that even though we don't get to see each other very much that we can still stay connected and pick up where we left off.  Family is a precious precious gift that God has given us, and is something that all of us take for granted.  We are not promised tomorrow.  I am so thankful for the gift of family.  I am thankful for midnight chats on Facebook with my cousin!  I am thankful that I was able to kiss my kids tonight as I tucked them into bed.  God is so good!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 115... Thankful for Friday Nights With My Girl Watching Christmas Movies

I am thankful for it being Friday and that I was able to end my long week cuddled up with my girl.  This is the first year that Hadley is interested in the Hallmark Christmas movies, and I love watching them with her.  I am thankful that we also folded 5 loads of laundry together and chatted about her favorite game MineCraft.  I am blessed to have my daughter.  God is good!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 114... Hot Chocolate and Powdered Donuts

After a very long day, I am so happy to have finally put my pj's on, hop in bed, and have my favorite winter snack, hot chocolate and powdered donuts.  I am thankful for a few minutes of time to just breathe and decompress before going to sleep.  There is something about having hot chocolate at night.  It is something I inherited from my dad because as far as I can remember every night in the winter he would sit down in his chair and have his nestle quick hot chocolate and glazed donuts.  I am thankful for little things like this that beings back happy memories.
I am thankful for a warm house on this cold evening.  I am thankful for the love of my family. God is good!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 113...The Joy of Giving on Crappy Days

Today was just one of those terrible days where you end up incredibly grumpy on top of being tired and have a million things to do with a 13+hr work day the next day.  Yes, this was my day today.  I wanted nothing more then to come home from school, get my pjs on, eat some dinner, and curl up with my kids and have some peace.  It is now nearly 11pm, the first I have sat down since I woke up at 5am today.  However, despite that I dread grocery shopping, which was on my list tonight, other errands were taking my daugther and dropping off the gifts we purchased for angel tree, shopping for supplies needed for our local place Good Works that serves people without a home, and purchasing gifts for one more child.  I was amazed at just how Hadley loved doing this.  Sometimes I wonder if she is really all about what "she gets" and not realizing how blessed she is, but on nights like tonight, her loving and giving heart was just overflowing.  What amazed me was not only was she saying that we should buy things for people but she was so thoughtful in what we got and why we should get those items.  She forgot the list of things in the car, but in her head she had already carefully read the list and thought through what she wanted to get.  I am so glad that not only is her class collecting these items but they are actually taking the items to Good Works tomorrow and will be delivering them and walking through the house to see it and meet some of the people staying there.  Hadley is very excited to be serving these people and we had really geat talks about it tonight.  I am thankful for my daughter and her loving and giving heart, but mostly that she has a JOYFUL heart.  I am thankful for being with her tonight and serving others, and serving God which puts things into perspective; my day was not really all that bad at all.  Thankful!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 112...Girl Time, Hot Chocolate, and Christmas Lights

Aside from my family, there is something so rare and sweet when you have that friend who will drop everything and just simply be there.  I was blessed tonight to have that precious time with two of my closest friends, one on the phone Alicia and one in person, Brittany.  I wish that I could see Alicia more then a few times a year, but I am so thankful for our daily texts and phone calls.  She always knows what to say, when to say it, and these past few days, I've really needed her.
Tonight I was able to just sit with Brittany over hot chocolate to talk, vent, and be in the of presence of Christmas lights and baby giggles from baby Prayli.  I am so thankful that God has brought her into my life and always knows when I need a hug and q/t time, no matter what else is going on.

I am blessed with these two friends.  God is good!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 111... The Love of My Family

Today is a simple post. I am incredibly thankful for my family, their unconditional love, and their encouragement. I am incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful husband and children.  Thank you God for my sweet family, especially on difficult days.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 110....A Glimpse of Her Toddler Years Outside My Window

Today I have literally sat at my desk in my bedroom from 10:30am until now which is 9:30pm, studying for this test.  I am going stir crazy to say the least - :).  This afternoon as more snow graciously fell from the sky, I heard some scraping in our driveway.  I went to my window which faces our driveway and saw my little girl all bundled up "shoveling" our driveway.  I had to do a double take because for a second it looked like my Hadley was three instead of 7 1/2.  I have this adorable picture of her all bundled up like the kid in A Christmas Story when she was just a toddler and seeing her out my window today took me back to that time.  I just stood there feeling sort of sad and proud all at the same time.  Sad because she is growing up and proud because she was outside trying to clear off our driveway with her little plastic shovel I had purchased at a yard sale this past summer.  I am so thankful that we have been blessed with my sweet girl all of these years.  I am thankful she is healthy and able to be outside shoveling.  I am thankful that she had such a loving heart to try and clear off our driveway.  I had found out later that while she was out there, she had also taken the initiative to clean off the snow on her daddy's truck.  I am thankful for her heart, thankful for that sweet glimpse of going back in time today.  I am thankful that she also loves to laugh and spend time with her friends, just as she did today with our neighbor sledding!  Thank you God for my sweet girl!
Hadley when she was 3 :)

Hadley today - 7 1/2

Sledding today with her buddy

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day 109...Making A Snowman and Sledding Is More Important Than A Test

My morning started out a bit overwhelming as I thought about my test. It is a Saturday, a day meant to spend with my husband and kids, a day of rest, a day of making memories, not spending the day at my desk studying. I was feeling guilty that my family was heading out to play in the "first snow" of the season and I was staying in, but after getting the kids bundled up and they went out, I thought, forget it, I'm going out too! 
I am so glad I did! I am so thankful that we had snow, thankful for the excitement on my kids faces, and thankful that I realized spending time with my kids is more important then this test. I am not being wreck less in choosing play over test, I am realizing that while it's important I study, my kids still come first.  This was also a huge step in facing my anxiety head on.  When I get stressed I tend to get grumpy and on edge, which then comes out in my tone with my kids and husband, which isn't fair nor loving at all.  I was getting like this this morning until I went out to play and it immediately took away my anxiousness.  It was replaced with laughter, joy, and wet and cold hands and faces.  Thank you God for this time of play and realization. These photos do not need any captions as they speak for themselves!
Hadley did name this itty bitty snowman- Ollie

Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 108...Trying to Conquer My Anxiety Today

It always seems to creep up on me, as I've mentioned before; this thing called anxiety.  It also tends to creep in at night when I sit down in the stillness of just the humming of my computer and when I look at the screen with a bunch of information I am trying to memorize for a test.  I hate tests, especially this one.  I have been doing well not worrying until last night and tonight. I literally didn't sleep last night, I felt ill, and now am feeling it again.  I hate what this thing called anxiety does to me physically.  I try to take deep breaths, I repeat over and over that God has this, but unfortunately I don't really believe it, if I did, I wouldn't be sick with worry, literally.
Tonight, I looked out Hadley's window as I was putting her to bed and I saw that we had finally gotten some snow, and it was beautiful.  There is just something about snow at night time.  It just lightens up the night where you do not need any other type of light.  It is so peaceful, I am thankful for this glimpse of peace through the window. If I didn't have all of this studying to do (and if I were okay with not staying warm in my PJ's) I'd go on a walk, perhaps tomorrow.  I am thankful that in the midst of my anxiousness God showed up with just me looking out the window.  Now if I could just breathe, pray, and let go....God is still good and He is in control.

I Peter 5:7 Cast all of your anxieties on Him because He cares for you.

What I am saying to myself to make it more real, " Casting ALL of MY anxiety on You God because You care for ME!"

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 107..Greeted With A Hug

Today was such a sweet day when my little girl ran off the bus excited to see me at the bus stop and gave me a huge hug! I usually have our neighbor walk Hadley home each day since I do not get home before she gets off the bus, but today I somehow beat the bus and surprised her.  Most days when she gets home, she's a bit grumpy.  It is a little crazy since myself and Landry just get home, and so that first isn't always joyful. :)  I am thankful for the sweetness of my girl today and tonight, and am so thankful I have her.  God is good!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 106 - Thankful for Catch Up Talks With My Man

It's been a long day....at some parts of the day I wasn't sure if I'd make it due to not feeling great and extremely tired, but alas I did.  Some days I feel as if our lives are so crazy and chaotic that it is not until I go to bed that I realize I haven't really talked to my husband, a real conversation. Sure we talk about what is for dinner, how was work, when is the last time Landry went to the bathroom, all over our kids running around, screaming, crying, you get the picture, etc.  Tonight after the kids were in bed and I took a break from work, we finally had a few minutes to ourselves and we chatted.  It was not so much about the kids but more of what he would like for his birthday coming up, gun safes, dogs, and then our daugther came in..lol.  In all seriousness, I am thankful for that 10 minute window of really talking.  This is why we cherish our date nights so much. :)  Thank you God for a husband who is also my best friend and we get to have these chats!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Days Where You Feel Like You Are in a Fog but There Are the Comfy Things...

Today was such a sluggish day for me. I had really hurt my back over break, so I wasn't feeling great.  It was our first day back to the "grind" and I started some new things in my classroom which left me lying awake most of the night worrying about how it would go.  The combo of not feeling great and no sleep left me feeling blah all day and tonight.  So for today I am very thankful for my warm house, my awesome comfy nutcracker pajama pants from Old Navy that I have had since high school (for real), my big comfy hoodie from CBC (my college, now CCU), my big cuddle dog Jake, and my new slippers.  Sometimes it really is just the little things.  God is good!