Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 42...Difference Between the Now and 42 Days Ago

Today was one of those "having trouble being thankful days".  I havent been sleeping well the past few weeks, so when my alarm went off at 5am I woke up grumpy not wanting to get out of bed.  All day I just continued to feel grumpy.  When I came home my kids were grumpy as well, and there were many meltdowns.  The stress of wondering about my test I took on Saturday would sneak in there here and there too today.  However, what makes my being grumpy today verses how I would be grumpy 42 days ago is vastly different.  I didn't let my grumpiness dictate my attitude in going down a down hill spiral.  I didn't automatically sink into a depressive/anxious state' feeling as if I can't get out of a dark hole.  I simply felt grumpy, but still joyful.  It is hard to explain unless you've experienced it.  Am I saying I just kept a big smile on my face while my son and daughter were crying and/or yelling all the while trying to fix dinner, pack lunches, and clean? Absolutely not, I was frustrated but I also got over it, I also still enjoyed eating my dinner with my family, proud of my son for saying our dinner prayer, and loved hearing about Hadley's story she wrote in class today.  I was still joyful for seeing how the leaves are beginning to turn and how the sun is setting much earlier while taking my puppy to training tonight.  I am thankful that I am actually in my bed at 8:15 with newly clean sheets.  I am so incredibly thankful for my daughter who just walked in, jumped in bed with me, and said she  just wanted to tell me good night and that I'm the best mom ever.  My cup overflows! I am thankful that she loves to be funny and that at any moment she loves to take silly pictures and make me laugh.  I am thankful that in just 42 days my outlook on life has taken a 180 and I go to bed joyful.  God is good!

Our silly picture

Our smiley picture

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