Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Music and Joy Go Hand in Hand..Day 23

I am incredibly thankful for music. I love all types from rap, country, jazz, 80's, 90's, pop, rock, christian, worship, really all of it except for techno, that I can do without. It depends on my mood or what I am doing when I decide which type of music to listen to.  I am especially thankful for worship music tonight.  There is just something about it.  One of the positive aspects of having a 35 min. commute one way to work everyday is that I get to listen to my music rather than kid music or listening to one of the kid's cartoons/movies on my iPad.  Since my drive is out in non-cell and radio station land, I only pick up about 2 or 3 stations, but with only 1 that I can get the whole way.  That station happens to me a christian station that plays a good bit of worship music, songs that I have sang a lot in the praise band at church and songs I have on my playlist.  I have always enjoyed singing since I was very little, in fact my first time singing in front of people was at church, no music, just me when I was maybe 6 or 7 yrs. old.  Since that day I have loved and have kept singing at church.  Music can really add so much joy into a persons life, it does for me.  I know for me personally when I've had some hard times and needed healing, God has used many different worship songs to do just that. I am so thankful that God has given such great things like music to really speak to my soul and provide songs with words from scripture that apply to what is going on in my life.  I am thankful that God has given me the joy and love of singing, I absolutely love to sing whether it's in the car, as I am cleaning, or leading others in worshipping God through singing. When I sing, there is a joy that fills my heart and soul and I am so thankful for that.  On my drive home today, I was reminded of that joy that comes from singing when one of my new favorite songs came on, "One Thing Remains", it was raining but the sun was still shining and the sky was incredibly beautiful.  Seeing the sky reminded me of God's creation, and as I was singing the chorus "Your love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me..." I was reminded of how much God loves me ALWAYS, no matter what I do, say, etc.   For this reminder I am thankful for music and singing and the joy that it brings. God is good.

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