Friday, September 20, 2013

My Life...Blessed..Day 32

Being a teacher unfortunatley allows me to see and hear a lot of heart wrenching issues that students have to deal with.  They deal with issues that they should never have to encounter or face; but yet they are forced to.  One student in particular stands out to me who has dealt wtih a lot yet this student always smiles and is incredibly sweet.  If I hadn't spent a few minutes each day just chatting with this student, I would have never known what has been going on in their life.  This student struck an "Aha"moment with me and ironically goes right along with what I have been writing about this past month; JOY!   This student portrays exactly what God teaches us about in His word, Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1:2-3.
Even during the hard times, we can still have joy, and God is the source of that joy.  
This particular student has joy, and I can only hope when I am faced with something awful, I can have this joy and persevere.
Today I am thankful for this student and the joy that this student has.  I am thankful my sweet Landry boy had an amazing week at school.  I am thankful that God has blessed with me this wonderful life, that I have my family to come home too.  I am thankful even during the times my son is throwing a tantrum because he is exhausted from school and didn't nap.  I am thankful for my daughter even when she is mouthy because that means I have a daughter.  I am thankful for my hardworking and considerate husband.  I am thankful because like many students, they are not able to experience what a loving and stable home is.  

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