Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Few Precious Words Says it All Tonight..Day 33

I was hoping I could post a video I had just taken of Landry and that would have been all I needed to post for what I am thankful for!  As all of you who have been reading my blog knows that Landry has been delayed in his speech due to his health issues since he was a baby. He had been in speech therapy for the past year and of course now he is attending pre-school!  I can honestly say that the month he's been at school that his speech has really taken off. Tonight after baths we were on my bed getting ready to do our routine of reading, singing, and praying, out of nowhere Landry folds his hands and says the following, "God is great, God is good, thank for food! Amen!" Those were his exact words! Tears of joy, a moment we have been waiting for; for so long!! Just as my son said tonight; "God is good!"

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I saw him a month ago so I can testify that this is a huge improvement! God is definitely at work!!
