Thursday, September 19, 2013

This New Life...Day 31

As I mentioned yesterday, doing this challenge of being thankful has literally changed my life in a profound way! I have noticed my outlook on life  has changed, when I get stressed out it's not to the extreme it used to be, and I absolutely love searching and picking out the joyful things that I am grateful for throughout my day.  It is one thing to notice yourself and often times we wonder if anyone else notices change or notices the different things we work on in our lives.  Today my friend Katie that I have mentioned often; encouraged me (yet again) how she has also seen a change in my life just by reading my blogs.  Just hearing that from her confirms the validity of why I am writing this publicly about this challenge.  There is something so encouraging when another person can see a change or at least acknowledges that something is different when you have been working hard on something.  I am so grateful for her and her encouragement throughout this journey.  One of my other main reasons for sharing this challenge in a blog is to encourage others who may struggle with joy like I do.  It has been amazing to hear different ones who read my blog who have said it has helped them a lot, or it has got them thinking about doing this challenge, and that they were happy to get to know more about me personally, especially since I am not quick to open up to people.  I am so thankful for all the ways God is using this blog.
My thankfulness for today:
1. I am in bed by 10pm, this has been an insane week and the exhaustion has come to a head, so glad to be going to sleep soon!
2. My Landry boy woke up feeling awful, fever, coughing but by noon his fever had gone away and he was up playing, having a good time with his Nanny/Pappaw who watched him while I worked today.  Thankful to spend the evening with him and he wasn't grumpy like he usually is since he's started pre-school.    He is such a joy! I love that he ALWAYS has to have a hug and a kiss when we are saying goodbye, it seriously is the most precious thing!
3. Playing hangman at dinner with Hadley so she could study her spelling words.  I treasure those little moments.
4. Thankful that my kids are healthy and growing! I took 2 pictures of them tonight and they both just really struct me that they are growing up so fast! Landry will be 3 in a little over a month, folks that is a big transition, toddler to pre-school, he's looking like a little boy rather than like a little infant/toddler.  Hadley is 7 and she is growing into a beautiful young lady.
5. Thankful for a great class today, I really feel like the students had fun learning and were very engaged in our story today! I love teaching, so blessed to have this job!
God is good!

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