Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Peppermint Mocha Creamer....It's Beginning to Smell A lot like Christmas...Day 22

I absolutely love this time of year. Fall. Football.Pumpkins.Leaves changing colors and falling from the trees.Crisp air (even though it has been in the 90's this week lol).  After Fall then shortly becomes time for Thanksgiving and Christmas which means I would get all excited when I would walk into the creamer section of Krogers and find Peppermint Mocha Creamer!! I would get so excited that I would take a picture and post on Facebook/twitter and send it to my friend Julie who has the same love for it as I do.  This year is even more exciting because not only do I get to enjoy this fabulous creamer NOW but my awesome friend Brittany made a homemade version just for me tonight during Bible Study - yep- HOMEMADE! I think I have mentioned how awesome Brittany is in the kitchen and because a lot of her influence our family has decided to choose better eating habits such as eating more natural, organic foods and really reading food labels.  It really didn't come as much of a surprise tonight when I mentioned how much I love my peppermint creamer after tasting her homemade pumpkin spice creamer and wishing the one I buy didn't have a lot of artificial ingredients; that her reply was; "It would be really simple to make your own." And in about 20 minutes she had made a mason jar of yummy awesome goodness peppermint mocha creamer with just a few staple pantry ingredients.
Tonight I am yes, you guessed it, thankful for my favorite creamer. Thankful that it is homemade and not full of artificial junk.  Thankful that Brittany loves me so much as to whip that up for me.  I am thankful that God creates people like Brittany who absolutely loves to cook and that it brings so much joy to people like her and uses that gift to bless others.  Thankful that I have a house to come home too even though it is a mess right now.  Thankful I have my husband to give me a hug and tell me he missed me while I was at work today.  Thankful my sweet Landry boy had no accidents today and is starting to communicate with his words better since attending pre-school.   Thankful for my Hadley girl who really wants to do her absolute best in all that she does and that it bothers her when something isn't right.  Thankful. God is good!
Yummy Peppermint Mocha Creamer - I cant wait to add some half and half and this to my morning coffee tomorrow!! 

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