Sunday, September 15, 2013

Answered Prayers..Day 27

A big shout out to those of you who are praying for my sweet little man Landry and his accidents at Pre-School. Today the director called me; yes, very cool,she called me on a Sunday, her day off.  She has a sister in law who recently wrote a book on parenting and education.  She is a retired school teacher and she talked to us about her book at Landry's open house last week.  Apparently she and the director were talking about her book and Landry and his accidents came up.  Long story short, she has offered to come to pre-school 3-4 days/week to specifically work with Landry! How awesome is that?  She mentioned something about children tranisitioning and how when a parent who used to be at home with them and then goes to work can effect them.  So I am not entirely sure what she will do, but she has some ideas! What an answer to prayer! God is so good! I am so thankful for this pre-school, thankful for their willingness to work with Landry, and to go the extra mile.  I am thankful God hears our prayers and answers them in a way He sees best.  I am thankful that when I hand over things to Him, He truly takes them from us and gives us peace.  I am thankful for all of you who are and will continue to fervently pray this works out for Landry!
I am also thankful for a very productive day! I have literally been working in my "office" in my bedroom ALL DAY and it is now after 10pm and still not finished grading papers, but I did accomplish a lot today!  Thankful that I have a teaching job to go to tomorrow!!  God is definitely good!
My picture I have to share is what one of my students wrote at the bottom of her spelling test. It made me smile while grading tonight!

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