Sunday, September 22, 2013

Day 34....First Day of Fall - Enough Said

I.Love.Fall.  So thankful my most favorite season has arrived and my least favorite is gone!  I am thankful for these things today:
1. Honey Crisp Apples - they are huge, sweet, crispy, and delicious!
2. My Browns Won!!! Whoo hoo!!!
3.  The weather was absolutely georgeous; true Fall temps today!
4.  My son actually came and told me he had to do #2 in the potty - folks this is huge for him - don't judge!!
5.  Received a call from his pre-school director again, outside of school, on a weekend, to discuss other things they will be doing this week to help him! A-mazing! Athens area folks, First Friends Pre-School is seriously the best!! Take your kids there!!
6. My husband cutting holes into 56 tennis balls so that I won't have to hear that annoying sound each and every time my students push in and out their chairs!!
7.  My freshly painted fab grey fall color toes - so thankful I squeezed in a few min. to do this today.  Yes, it's the little things that bring me such JOY! :)
8. Missed church for the 2nd week due to both children coughing/nasty colds - however, thankful for our morning of rest/hanging out together at home.
God is good!

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