Monday, September 9, 2013

Yes It is Time for Sleep! Day 21 of Thankfulness

It has been a long day! I left my house by 6am, pulled in at school a little past 6:30, taught around sixty children today, only sitting to eat my 20 min. lunch, stayed nearly 3 hrs. after the students left, ran home after 6pm, grabbed my daughter and off to puppy training class for Myrtle! Can we say bed time yet? Nope! Pull in around 8pm, unload the groceries that my hubby and son bought this evening, put groceries away, help get kids bathed, ready for bed, then realized I forgot to tell my hubby we were out of half and half and needed Diet Coke (priorities people-to get through the day), so back to the store with 5 min. before closing! I pull back in the garage, pack three lunches, and FINALLY -FINALLY get my pj's on and get in bed! So incredibly thankful for my bed tonight. I am very thankful that my awesome hubby was able to pick the kids up from school today and that he went grocery shopping tonight! I am blessed and thankful that my family is adapting to our new hectic schedule. God is good!  Thankful for this life and for this opportunity to be a teacher!

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