Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thankful for the Missing Pieces..Day 187

Ever since Landry was first diagnosed with his first time having RSV at just a few months old, he has really never been completely "healthy".  He has been a mystery among many doctors, of course with Josh and I, and other helpful friends and family.  If you have been following my blog at all, you would have read that Landry is sick more then he is well.  Last year at this time after seeing a specialist, he was diagnosed with asthma, which after being on an inhaler every day it has helped.  This past winter after having a bad cold and an ear infection, he had that cough again, and it was back to the drawing board of what is going on with him.  After I researched a lot, I thought it has to be some kind of food allergy, dairy or gluten - which I wrote about, and after being off of dairy for about 3 wks, the cough is in fact gone.  However, I have noticed on occasion that he would break out in red blotches around his mouth after he would eat, but I was never able to pin point exactly what it would be.  About a month ago at his sitters, he had a peanut butter sandwich and just like any 3 yr. old, he wears half of what he eats.  When I picked him up hours later, his cheeks and chin were broke out in bright red blotches and they were like that for over 24 hrs.  The babysitter and I thought that it could be the peanut butter, but it had also been extremely cold and he has eczema so we weren't sure.  I haven't given him peanut butter since, but today at her house they made bird feeders out of peanut butter, he didn't eat any, but spread it all over his face, and again, his face was like it was a few weeks ago.  Scary to think he is allergic, but thankful we noticed before it could turn into an emergency stop breathing type of allergy.  Pieces of the puzzle are coming together with Landry, which I am hoping that it makes a big difference in his over all respiratory health.  Having this happen today reminded me of our favorite local BBQ place that he sometimes breaks out around his mouth at, and they cook their fries in peanut oil, he doesn't have them often, but Hadley and I do, and if he just touches it, oil on the tables, etc. could affect him.  This saddens me, because this has become a favorite family tradition, not sure if he will be able to go in there now.  I also know this adds more challenges of now adding peanut allergy to a milk allergy, but it could always be worse. God is giving me the pieces to this crazy long puzzle and for that I am thankful! God is good!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for sweet Landry! It's so hard to try and figure out what's going on with your kid, but when you do, it's so awesome to see them at their best, you know? Love you!
