Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 166 - Finding the Glimpses of Joy in an Overwhelming Day

Today was just - overwhelming. I absolutely despise the days where I leave in the morning for work and then not come home until late in the evening. I feel completely out of sorts, exhausted, and just absolutely frazzled, especially when I have work to do for school the next day.  We are back on that daunting road of trying to figure out what exactly is up with Landry boy - the dreaded on going cough and congestion.  I took him the the pediatrician since his cough since December has not gone away, not even with his inhalers, antibiotics, nothing.  After researching on my own, I came across some links of gluten/wheat, and dairy allergies and their sensitivities.  I discussed this with his pediatrician today and she completely agreed that he has to have some type of allergy/sensitivity.  While nothing showed up on last years allergy testing the two things he was not tested for was wheat and dairy.  Since just sensitivity to these two will probably not show up on a blood test, we both agreed to just try the elimination for a few weeks to see if he gets better.  So, I am very grateful that I didn't have to put Landry through a blood test! I am thankful that is money saved for us!
Now for the next 2 weeks, Landry is completely on a dairy free diet - Yikes! I was in Kroger's for close to 2 hours reading labels, finding non-dairy cheese, and just figuring out what I will cook for him.  I am on a complete mission as I have been since my little dude has been born, to find out what is going on with him.  My mom gut tells me he's sensitive to some type of food allergy, and I have a feeling it is gluten, we shall see.  So after 2 wks of the dairy if we notice a change - great, if not, it will be a gluten free Lynch household.  I didn't expect to feel so overwhelmed and a little sad when I left the Dr.s  I mean, I am grateful I took him in and found out the ped and I both share the same values when it comes to treating him without a bunch of medication.  I am thankful that we are on another road that will hopefully bring relief to my sweet son.

I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed after this long, long day, but I am thankful that I am now in my own bed and will be sleeping soon. In the midst of this chaotic day, one of my most favorite author's was at our local library.  I missed the brief 10 min interview questions, but I was able to meet her, have her sign my book, and get my picture with her -Jodi Picoult.  That was pretty cool!

I know that in the midst of this stress, God is with me!
Fantabulous author - Jodi Picoult

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