Saturday, February 15, 2014

Day 177..Retail Therapy and A Snow Moon

Today was a long mentally exhausting day.  I, however, am thankful that my long day ended in Columbus where there is endless shopping and great food.  I am thankful for those few hours of retail therapy, meandering through my favorite store; Target, all by myself, no schedule, just me and some left over gift cards from Christmas!  I am thankful for awesome food, eating in my car, listening to my music, no interruptions.  Thankful for grocery shopping at Trader Joes, looking at all the food, feeling joyful to be looking for dairy free food for Landry.  That may sound weird, but I am joyful about that because since taking him off dairy nearly 2 wks ago, he is sounding and feeling much better! Whoo hoo!!  The view on my drive home was absolutely beautiful. Now that there are several inches of white snow on the ground, and tonight was a "Snow" Moon as the Columbus meteorologists called it, the drive was stunning.   There is a new highway that was built in the middle of a national forest from here to Columbus, so with this snow and the moon it almost seemed like it was daylight.  If I weren't driving and had my better camera, I would have loved to have captured the beautification of this night.  Driving, listening to my music, the scenery; provided such a peace and gratefulness for all that God has blessed me with.

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