Saturday, February 1, 2014

Day 163...Seeing the Positive

While I have literally spent a lot of my time studying history, being away from my family, being stressed out and worried, I still can see some joyful things. I am thankful for the knowledge I am gaining in history.  While my head hurts from trying to know every single aspect of world and American history, I'm retaining some of it. :) It seems over this time of studying I was starting to not like history so much, and I've always enjoyed it before, well the American history anyways.  Today I decided as it is the 6th hour that I've been studying today, I really am enjoying some of what I'm reading.  I am thankful I am starting to look through the thankful lens of this daunting task rather then being angry about this journey.  I am thankful to have such a supportive husband to help me achieve this goal of passing this test!  I can do this!
My view/office today!

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