Monday, February 10, 2014

Special Talks and Hugs in the Ladies Room- Day 172

Today has just been one of those blah days.  It first started when I was rushed getting to school even though we were on a delay, it messes up the "normal" morning routine.  I was putting my lunch together and was thinking about how yummy my lunch would be today since I had left over mac n cheese from our favorite BBQ place - Kisers. Last night I took it out of the refrigerator to put into a glass bowl so I could heat it up at school, well instead of putting it back into the refrigerator, I put it in my lunch box - it sat there over night! :( I was not happy that I had to throw it out - then the rest of the day was just sort of blah.  This is a big week as I am studying like crazy, but it is also the busiest weeks with something every.single.night!  I haven't been feeling all that great, I'm stressed, worried, and yes as always- anxious.  Tonight when I got home, which I stayed later after school so I could be prepared and ready for this week, it made it a bit rushed as we had a basketball game for Hadley.  I quickly made dinner, all the while trying to unload the dishwasher, nudge Hadley to clean up her crafts from the table so we could eat, get her to get ready for the game, feed/water the dogs, etc. etc.  I was grumpy, short, and Hadley was grumpy, not moving as fast as I'd hoped, and then it was just a blah rushed dinner, running around, yelling to get going, - I wanted a do-over. I wanted to just forget the rest of the night and go to bed.  On our way to the game, poor Hadley was upset because she was getting into trouble with talking back, and she had had enough too.  I couldn't blame her, it was a crappy evening so far.    We were all silent on the way to the game, I was thinking in my head all the things I wish I hadn't said or yelled, why we rush so much, all for a basketball game - feelings were hurt, real people, and we let a game trump the importance of people, our family.  Once we arrived at the game, Hadley and I went to the bathroom so she could change into shorts, I got down on my knees, I looked her in the eyes, and said I was sorry for our crazy night, I was sorry for being grumpy, and I love you.  She hugged me tight, told me she was sorry too and she loved me.  These are the moments I treasure, and hold onto, since they are reminders of how important people are, and it is in those moments of the mundane, everyday life that are the most important.  I am thankful that Hadley forgives me when I screw up as a parent.  I am thankful that we can have our special talks, forgive, and hug and love on each other.  I am thankful for our talks and hugs in the ladies restroom.

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