Sunday, February 9, 2014

Day 171 - Banana Bread and a Shoveled Driveway

Random acts of kindness are one of my love languages (for those of you not familiar with this term, there is a great book The Five Love Languages and it talks about finding your love language and other important people in your life).  There is just something so special when someone does something nice for you for no reason at all.  You did not ask for it, the person committing the act of kindness did not ask or tell you they were going to do it, they just do it! We came home from church today and found that our driveway had been shoveled.  We had about 3 in. of snow come down while we were gone and what a nice treat to come home to!  We are not 100% sure of who did this, I thought for sure it was our next door neighbors but they claimed they didn't.  I heard maybe some kids down the road did this - so if you are reading this and you cleared our driveway - THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!
Banana Bread - I absolutely love this stuff and especially when our next door neighbor makes it - so delicious!  She made it without asking, and  just sent her daughter over to deliver it, this happens quite often, and I am so thankful for this act of kindness.  Our neighbors seriously are some of the most thoughtful and most kind people we know! We are so blessed to have great neighbors all around us actually!
I love doing random acts of kindness to others as well, simply because I know how much it means to me when they happen. I know how much it means especially if there are not so good things going on in your life, and when someone stops to think about you and do something nice, just because, it can truly make your day and bring some joy into your life.  I know I can be better at this, more intentional in being kind to others, I hope to be stronger in this area, and that my children will also.
Thankful for our driveway being cleared and thankful for some delicious banana bread!  God is good!
I forgot to mention, I am so thankful my dad came for the weekend, always good to spend time with family!

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