Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 185...Thankfulness

It is late and I am exhausted, so I will just list what I am thankful for today:
1. Seeing family from Colorado and Columbus after school
2. Watching my sweet son fall asleep in the car on the way home
3. Hearing the "smile" in Hadley's voice when I got home from work today
4. Landry saying as he was crying and refusing to go to sleep "lay with you" and putting his arm around my neck
5. My sweet big dog Jake, cuddling in bed with me as I type this
6. Praying with our marriage group tonight - praying for others and others praying for you will truly encourage a person
7. Laying with my daughter, listening to her plan her birthday party which isn't until June :), praying with her before she went to sleep
8. I can finally get in bed after being gone since 6:15 this morning
God is good!

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