Sunday, February 2, 2014

Enough - My Kids Need Their Mom..Day 164

Tonight I decided that instead of rushing my kids to get to bed and not enjoying the usual crazy bedtime routine (it always seems the kiddos get another burst of energy), that I was going to enjoy them.  I talked to my kiddos in a calm manner when telling them to get their pj's on rather then my hurried, strict tone I usually give.  I stopped and looked at whatever Hadley was super excited to show me rather then telling her it is time for bed, put it away.  I stopped and tickled Landry's feet when helping him with his pj's rather then getting frustrated that he wouldn't sit still.  I laid on Hadley's bed with them and let them watch one cartoon on Hadley's kindle rather then worrying that it was past their bedtime and they would be grumpy in the morning.  I also after lights were out, read Landry his favorite book Mama Lama Red Pajama instead of telling him it is night night time.   Truth is, I just enjoyed them.  I am always so exhausted when it comes to bedtime, grumpy, and stressed because I always have papers to grade, lesson plans to write, studying to do, dishes to wash, clothes to fold, lunches to pack, on and on, the list is endless, so I hurry the bedtime routine.  I find myself wishing this time would hurry up and that they would just be like robots by getting themselves bathed, dressed, teeth brushed, in bed, say good night, and close their eyes - all in oh, 10 minutes! It is absolutely a ridiculous expectation, and really sad that I am wishing away one of the most joyous times of the day.
As always, when I leave church on Sunday's I often am convicted of what I heard.  The current series, which I have mentioned before has been Enough - it has been awesome.  Gratefulness was the main idea touched on today and I thought, sweet, that is why I write my blog everyday.  However, it doesn't stop at my blog and what I write on a daily basis of what I am thankful for, I need to put it into action, showing kindness, be more giving to others.  While I could write on and on about what has been stirring in my heart, I will end with this for tonight;  I need to give more to my children. I am not talking about "stuff" I am talking about me, there mom.  They need to have my full attention, not a mom who is stressed out all the time, who is tired and grumpy, impatient, they need me their mom who is bleeding joy because I am with my children.  They need that unconditional love and grace when they mess up, not a mom who yells and expects them to be robots.  My kids need to have me laugh and be relaxed with them, and not so schedule driven.  They simply need to see Jesus in their mom, I confess that they haven't.  So for tonight, I am so thankful that I decided to simply enjoy them, love on them, relax with them, REALLY pay attention to them, - it was amazing and pure joy!  Thank you God for this reminder and I pray I can do this more and more.
We also had some fun taking pictures!

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post, Jacynda! Love the pictures. And I love the message. Love you.
