Wednesday, February 5, 2014

As The French Kiss - Day 167

My sweet little guy has started this thing where he kisses like you see French people kiss.  He kisses your cheek and lips, from side to side with hugs thrown in between each kiss.  It is so funny and he will do this about twenty times! I absolutely love it and relish in the fact I receive probably close to one hundred kisses a day. Landry kisses me when he wakes up, before going to take a nap, after a nap, just because, and before bed which he will have these "kissing" sessions about 4-5 times. I am thankful that he is so loving ( I may rethink this when he has his first girlfriend lol) and I am thankful that his face just gleams with joy when he is kissing and hugging.  His phrase before he goes in for the kiss is "Hug, kiss, hug, kiss, - love you mommy!" Melts my heart! I really am clinging onto this because I know one day it will be uncool to kiss me, at least this many times, as Hadley has recently reached this stage, sadly.  It is so true, our babies grow up way too fast.  I am thankful for the extra, extra, kisses and hugs from my boy. I am thankful that Hadley will randomly out of nowhere come to me and talk my ear off.  I am thankful to be a momma to these two sweet and precious kiddos!

One of my favorite first pictures of my sweet kiddos together

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