Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 245 - Beautiful

Today was beautiful in so many ways.  Hearing my sweet boys voice, "Morning Mommy" despite it being 6am on a Sunday.  Church was beautiful.  We were able to hear college students who attended Central and were graduating.  One of the things they shared was how Central impacted them.  The things they said were so encouraging about what this church is about = loving people, the community, sharing the gospel, and having community and real relationships within the church.  The songs were sang today- beautiful.
On my way to study, I decided to take a short drive at Strouds Run which is a beautiful lake with hiking trails, it was just about a 15 min. drive, but with the windows down and music playing, it was beautiful to capture the trees blooming.  My day of studying was beautiful as I sat outside feeling the cool breeze and looking out at the green grass, flowers, and saying hi to a few people I knew as they walked passed.  And this may sound odd, but I feel like I am starting to feel prepared for this test as I went through what seemed like hundreds of questions today (pretty close), it felt beautiful.
When I walked into my messy home with a sink full of dishes, the dining room table cluttered, and muddy paw prints all over the floor, my first reaction was that tightening in my chest of panic, but I quickly took deep breaths and calmed myself.  I reminded myself that life is absolutely insane at the moment, and my first priority is to pass this dang test.  I then decided to tackle about five loads of clean laundry that needed folded, and managed to wash a few loads, even though those will likely lay in baskets or stay in the dryer until I get a second to fold them, it's okay.  All of these things are beautiful as well; it means we have clothes to wear, a house to live in, dogs to love and love us, and food to eat off of those dishes.  Every second of today was beautiful.  During the moments of stress, uncertainty I had today I tried to pray, "Stay with me Jesus in my mess."

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