Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Day 226- Celebrating My Birthday in April

As I was walking through Kroger's with my tired-no-nap-three-year-old-son, and so ready to go home and sleep, my sweet hubby called and surprised me.  My birthday is just a few weeks after Christmas, four days after New Year's and usually falls on the weekend of my husband's company Holiday weekend party.  That in translation means, we usually do not get around to having a "family birthday dinner."  Josh always has amazing intentions for he and the kids to either take me out or cook for my birthday, but life happens and we move on to the next family member with the birthday.  So tonight was a very nice surprise when I found out that I didn't have to cook and we were going to my favorite place - Casa!  Not only did we get to enjoy a nice dinner as a family, but I was showered with a beautiful card made by my sweet Hadley that said, "Happy Birthday in April Mommy".  My sweet husband purchased a gift certificate for a "day of beauty" at a spa!!! I am so stoked to have my nails done, hair cut, massage, and a facial! He is amazing and I am so thankful for him! I am thankful for a great dinner with my family!

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