Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 240- Death Really Sucks

I have found after losing a baby and a mother that there really are no words to describe losing someone other than it SUCKS.  I went to a visitation of my principle's father who passed away tonight, and it brought back a lot of emotions/feelings of when I lost my mom.  This was the first time I have went to a visitation since losing my mom.  If someone has never lost a parent, they truly have no clue what it feels like.  When I try to think of the positives in this type of situation, it is that I hope that in some way I can help comfort the ones who are hurting, whether they are words or no words, a presence, prayer, or serving them in some way.  I think that since I've been through this, I have a different approach or am more cautious about what I say to those who lose someone.  This blog is suppose to be about what I am thankful for each day.  Today I am thankful that death reminds me that life is short and that we need to love people every single day.  Please lift up this family in your prayers.

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