Saturday, April 12, 2014

Day 230- Sunshine and Coffee With a New Friend

So thankful that today was warm and beautiful and lots of sunshine! After the lovely experience of my first MRI this morning, I was able to enjoy being outside.  It was so nice to just be with my kids outside watching them play and having our first meal of the year on our deck!  I am also incredibly thankful for a 3 hr. coffee date with a new friend.  I have mentioned how blessed we are to have found a wonderful small group from church.  We all seem to really connect and are real with each other.  I was so excited that I received a text from Erin to have a coffee date.  I think a lot of times especially as a person gets older, it becomes more and more difficult to be open and be real.  It seems it takes months, years, and maybe never to achieve that level of talking about the real stuff, that hard stuff that we deal with in our personal lives.  However, there are those rare times when you meet someone and you just "click".  You are a little apprehensive of how things will go, but then after a few minutes you just feel comfortable and you start talking.  Before you know it, it has been hours and you realize you have talked and shared things that you haven't shared with perhaps your own family or friends you have known for years.  I am thankful for these rare friendships, thankful for having discussions that you truly feel that person "gets" the things you struggle with, friends that listen, really listen.  Tonight was definitely good for  my soul, incredibly thankful.

My first flower that Landry picked for me

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