Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 248- Words of Affirmation

Words of affirmation are good for the soul.  When someone goes out of their way to tell you something they appreciate about you, how nice you look, how special you are to them, etc., it can just really make someone's face and heart light up.  Today was one of those days for me.  I had a student come up and give me a hug and a bracelet she made me and she said , " I love you Mrs.Lynch!" This made my morning.  I had friends leave me messages today just saying they missed and loved me and were thinking about me, along with a voicemail from a dear friend.  I am so thankful for those people in my life who go out if their way just to tell or write me those things.  Even though we know that our family and friends care about us, there is just something incredibly special and meaningful when you hear those words spoken directly to you .  Thankful for hearing those words today, I needed it.  I only hope I can be better at speaking or writing words of affirmation to others.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Day 247 - Thunderstorms

As I sit by the big window studying with the flash of lightning and rolls of thunder, and the sound of rain hitting, it has me reflecting on the storms of my life currently.  Thunderstorms can came up suddenly, hit, and leave, while others stay and linger.   Same goes with storms  in life.   One moment things seem okay and the next a big storm hits and it knocks the air literally right out of my lungs.  As you know I have been praying this prayer, "Stay with me Jesus" the past week or so, and it still continues to be a struggle to pray.  Currently I feel the biggest storms are my health and this dang stupid test.  I hate that both of these things control every aspect of my life, I can only do so much to control parts, and it scares the living crap out of me.  The times when I should be praying those words, I instead start to lose my breath, I feel hot, shaky, and extremely frightened.  When will I ever be able to just pray those simple words?  Will I ever be able to? Will this extreme blanket of anxiety ever be ripped apart and tossed away? I really dislike storms at night, you cant see them, you don't know the damage they may bring.  It again is like life storms, you never know when they come or how hard they will hit, or what they may damage.  However, the sun always rises the next day.  Thankfully it does in life too, maybe not the very next day, but it does.  I am thankful that during the storms of life whether I pray that prayer or not Jesus is still with me and while He is with me the sun will always come out.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Day 246 - Take My Life (And Let It Be)

As I sit here trying to take deep breaths, to breathe, to not let anxiousness over take my thoughts, I am listening to this song we sang at church yesterday.  The chorus mostly,
Here am I, all of me
Take my life, it's all for Thee
I keep going back to listen over and over.  It has a beautiful sound with a pretty girls echo on it, I love to hear and to sing it.  I am not sure why this particular song has come to me tonight as I lay and worry about things, but it brings me comfort.  I tried to post the link so anyone that wanted to could click and listen, but I couldn't get it to work.  I highly recommend going to you tube and putting in Chris Tomlin's Take My Life, insanely beautiful.  Thankful that music can bring comfort, thankful I have this prayer to pray - "Stay with me Jesus."

Take My Life (And Let It Be)
Take my life and let it be
Consecrated, Lord, to Thee
Take my moments and my days
Let them flow in ceaseless praise
Take my hands and let them move
At the impulse of Thy love
Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee
Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my King
Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee
Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold
Take my intellect and use every power as You choose
Here am I, all of me
Take my life, it's all for Thee
Take my will and make it Thine it shall be no longer mine
Take my heart it is Thine own it shall be Thy royal throne
Take my love, my Lord I pour at Your feet its treasure store
Take myself and I will be ever, only, all for Thee

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Day 245 - Beautiful

Today was beautiful in so many ways.  Hearing my sweet boys voice, "Morning Mommy" despite it being 6am on a Sunday.  Church was beautiful.  We were able to hear college students who attended Central and were graduating.  One of the things they shared was how Central impacted them.  The things they said were so encouraging about what this church is about = loving people, the community, sharing the gospel, and having community and real relationships within the church.  The songs were sang today- beautiful.
On my way to study, I decided to take a short drive at Strouds Run which is a beautiful lake with hiking trails, it was just about a 15 min. drive, but with the windows down and music playing, it was beautiful to capture the trees blooming.  My day of studying was beautiful as I sat outside feeling the cool breeze and looking out at the green grass, flowers, and saying hi to a few people I knew as they walked passed.  And this may sound odd, but I feel like I am starting to feel prepared for this test as I went through what seemed like hundreds of questions today (pretty close), it felt beautiful.
When I walked into my messy home with a sink full of dishes, the dining room table cluttered, and muddy paw prints all over the floor, my first reaction was that tightening in my chest of panic, but I quickly took deep breaths and calmed myself.  I reminded myself that life is absolutely insane at the moment, and my first priority is to pass this dang test.  I then decided to tackle about five loads of clean laundry that needed folded, and managed to wash a few loads, even though those will likely lay in baskets or stay in the dryer until I get a second to fold them, it's okay.  All of these things are beautiful as well; it means we have clothes to wear, a house to live in, dogs to love and love us, and food to eat off of those dishes.  Every second of today was beautiful.  During the moments of stress, uncertainty I had today I tried to pray, "Stay with me Jesus in my mess."

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Day 244 - Believing - Worth

As I was sitting at my "second" home for 12+ hours today, I came across this quote.  I know that many of us struggle with this belief, especially moms.  The reason I say moms is because I think as moms we criticize other women/moms so much, we compare ourselves way too much, and we carry the weight of not only our crap on our shoulders but our children, husbands, friends, jobs, the dogs, the house, you name it, we carry it.  We can easily lose our self in taking care of others and we forget that we, our self, are worth it.  We forget that all of our energy, sweat, and many many tears we put into our life whether it be as a person who is single and works, a mom who works at home or a mom who works outside the home, that we really wonder sometimes - is what I am doing worth it?  For myself, I am always asking- The things I say, do, teach, love, pray, for my children - is it worth it? Are they learning and growing to be people that love God with all of their hearts and will be loving and kind to every single person they meet in their lives? Will they ever become unselfish and think of others always before themselves? 
Is all the work of writing lesson plans, praying and worrying if my students are safe and feeling loved when they walk in my classroom and when they go home at night, the grading of countless papers, meetings, being personally attacked by parents, co-workers, studying for state tests, preparing the students to pass their state tests - Is it all worth it?
When marriage, family, and  friendships get hard, really hard - is it worth it? 
Yes - it is. To every single question of doubt - there is that dreaded word again, that so lovingly makes its presence known a lot in my life lately.  God has placed me, and He has placed you in the life He has planned, that makes it worth it.  The hard part is truly believing that.  I am thankful that I came across this quote today, I needed this reminder.  It is sometimes hard to believe that our self -worth can only come from Christ, no one or no where else.  We tend to search for it in other ways, those may be temporary but not eternal like it is found in Christ.  I am thankful that I am worth it, this life is worth it. I pray that I can just believe it, I am still praying - "Stay with me Jesus, stay with me in my mess of doubt."  
This scripture has always been a favorite - reminds me that God did create us each individually.  Thank you God for your comforting words. 
Psalm 139: 13-16
For you formed my inward parts;
    you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.    
Wonderful are your works;
    my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
    intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
    the days that were formed for me,
    when as yet there was none of them.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Day 243 - Thankful

I am thankful for...
1. Beautiful stars in the night sky
2. Long talks with friends
3. Iced tea
4. Spurts of relaxation
5. My son telling me that the flower I colored with him today was "bootiful"
6. The cool crisp night air
7. Learning more history facts ( I am serious about this one)
8. It is Friday
9. Finding a random piece of paper in a notebook that my mom wrote on
10. God's patience while I am trying to pray "Stay with me"

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Day 242- Stay With Me

"Stay with me Jesus" has been a prayer that I've been trying to pray this week. One of the best sermons I heard was this past Sunday on Easter and that was the prayer that Paul our pastor encouraged us to pray. Since it was Easter, of course the sermon was about The Resurrection, but a piece from scripture that Paul unpacked was something I've not heard before.  After Jesus died on the cross no one knew that He would resurrect including the disciples, nor Mary. Of course I took notes with scripture references and have lost the paper and I can't remember the exact scripture verse I'm looking for (go figure), but the main passage is Luke 24.  So you could imagine the dreadful walk of sorrow that the everyone endured. During this walk, a man appeared who was Jesus, but no one recognized Him.  I thought to myself, "How could they not recognize Jesus?" Paul helped us imagine it a bit by comparing that walk of grief to any of us who have experienced grief and how you are so deep in it that you can barely notice what is going on around you. Wow! How true, I could very much relate.  All the while when they thought Jesus wasn't with them, He was. He was walking right behind them, and it wasn't until later when they finally recognized Him that they remembered "Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road?" (Verse 32)
I have been writing a lot about my struggle - doubt. Paul reminded us on Sunday that Jesus is always with us, even in the crappy part of life, even when we doubt and we may not know what He is up to in our life until later and then we look back and say, "Oh, yeah, now I see what God was doing." 
In Luke 24:29, before they realized that "that man" was Jesus, they were going to stop for the night as it was getting dark and Jesus was going further , they said, "Stay with us.."  Sometimes we - I just need to tell God- "Stay with Me- Please just stay with ME. I know You are doing something in my life, even in this messy doubtful time, and I just need to trust YOU. "
I have prayed this prayer a few times this week, but it's amazing how hard it is to just say those three little words.  When you pray them, it's giving up control and resting in Him.  I am not a good "rester" that isn't even a real word, but it is true. I am struggling to lay at His feet, I am struggling to say those three powerful words.  
I am thankful for this promise that Jesus speaks about. I am thankful that I can cling to this hope.  I am thankful for Paul and his heart and listening to what God wants him to share to His people. I pray that I can pray more this week every time I am anxious, worried, angry, sad, and when I'm doubting. 
"Stay with me Jesus, please just stay with me."

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 241- Snapshots

I am thankful for the precious snapshots that I am able to get of my kiddos.  Random photos of them doing their everyday things, are so much more precious then the "posed" everyone sit still and smile photos.    I am thankful that both of my kids love to laugh and love to smile.  Thankful I was able to capture their laughs today in our silly photos.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Day 240- Death Really Sucks

I have found after losing a baby and a mother that there really are no words to describe losing someone other than it SUCKS.  I went to a visitation of my principle's father who passed away tonight, and it brought back a lot of emotions/feelings of when I lost my mom.  This was the first time I have went to a visitation since losing my mom.  If someone has never lost a parent, they truly have no clue what it feels like.  When I try to think of the positives in this type of situation, it is that I hope that in some way I can help comfort the ones who are hurting, whether they are words or no words, a presence, prayer, or serving them in some way.  I think that since I've been through this, I have a different approach or am more cautious about what I say to those who lose someone.  This blog is suppose to be about what I am thankful for each day.  Today I am thankful that death reminds me that life is short and that we need to love people every single day.  Please lift up this family in your prayers.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 239 - Target Therapy, Windows Rolled Down and Singing Random Songs Loudly In The Car

I am so thankful I am in my own bed since I left at 6:30 am and it is now 10:50pm, I'm wiped.  After a nearly 3 hour intense doctors appointment, since I was close to a Target, I decided to stop in and do a little retail therapy.  There is something about trying on new clothes, looking at fun purses, and of course looking for something for my kiddos that can brighten a persons mood.  I happily walked out with a few shirts,and a fun dress.  My drive home was an hour long, the sun was setting, and the air was nice and cool, so I decided to put my music on shuffle, roll the windows down and sing.  Singing always brings me joy, and so tonight as I was driving; Whitney Houston, Sugarland, Taylor Dayne, Todd Agnew, Pink, and other randomness played in my car.  Thankful for a chance to unwind and thankful for retail therapy.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Day 238 - Resurrection Day = Hope

I am incredibly thankful for this beautiful day that God gave us today. It was warm, sunny, and beautiful.  Today is such an important day - Easter - Resurrection of Jesus.  The sermon today was one of the most simple, yet it spoke directly to my heart, it was a beautiful message.  I have so much that I want to write about in how the sermon really spoke to me today, but it's late, and I am beyond exhausted so I will unpack that tomorrow.  I will let the pictures speak for my thankfulness of today.  Happy Easter! God is good.

 As soon as Hadley put on her dress; Landry said, "Let's dance." Melted my heart.
 Love that smile of my girl
 They were saying the Prince and Princess were dancing
 Their favorite game - MONSTER
 My sweet babies

 On the church steps - Landry's new "cheese" grin
 Family photo
Landry's favorite toy from his Easter gift from Nanny/Pappaw - every time he flipped the bunnies he would laugh so hard - thankful I captured that face

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Day 237- Family Day- Celebrating My Grandma's Birthday On The Farm

Today was a sweet day spent with my family.  I haven't seen my grandparents or my brother and his family since Christmas. I love going back "home" in the country on the farm, so peaceful and beautiful. I also was able to see a special friend and one of my "moms" growing up. I am so thankful for days where I can spend time with people I cherish, but rarely get to see.  I am thankful and so blessed that my grandparents are alive and healthy and we were able to celebrate my grandmas 79th birthday. She's such a strong and beautiful lady who has also and still plays a big role in my life. Thankful for a day where my kids could run around with their cousins.  Blessed.
My brother, grandma, and I
Absolutely hysterical watching these two cruise around
My nephew Lukey and I
Happy birthday grandma
Amazing view
Beautiful sky at sunset on the farm
Snuggles with great-grandma
My kiddos with Pappaw Randy

Friday, April 18, 2014

Day 236- Baking Chocolate Cake Late Tonight With My Girl

I am thankful for this beautiful day. I have a love/hate relationship with Spring. I love that all is new.  There are new trees, new flowers, green grass, new hope as we celebrate Easter.  I hate Spring because there are new trees, flowers blooming, and grass growing because it makes me feel miserable.  The lovely itchy eyes, nose, face, throat, stuffed up, coughing, and this year a horrible sore throat.  However, after spending a little bit of time outside this afternoon with my girl walking our puppy and walking by the river looking at the cherry blossom trees that are almost in bloom.  I figure my girl is worth it. :)  That being said, since I was outside, I then began to feel horrible with an incredible headache and ready for bed.  Tomorrow we are going to visit my grandparents, dad, and my brother and his family.  Last weekend my grandma turned 79 and so I told Hadley we should make her a made from scratch chocolate cake.  The evening slipped away and it was 10pm, which meant I was utterly exhausted and not in the mood to make a cake.  I had suggested that we not make the cake tonight but she insisted and just literally wanted to spend some time her me; her momma baking a cake.  It was lovely.  She was measuring, cracking eggs, stirring, and of course, licking the batter.  When we were finished, she gave me a huge hug and told me how fun it was to bake this cake together and that she really loved me.  Melted my heart.  I am so glad and thankful that we stayed up and baked this cake.  Blessed to have my Hadley girl.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Day 235- The Road of Discouragement and Doubt

This post will not seem as "thankful" as it probably should, but again, I am going to be real.  Sometimes I wish that God would just lay out a few things in black and white.  You know, those few things in life that we are trying to achieve or trying to just get through life.  I know the gut reaction from church people would be, well that is where faith comes in. Duh, I know this.  However, that doesn't make anyone feel better nor does it help in the moment to figure out "God's plan." I have always been the person who has control of life, everything planned out, and will achieve a goal no matter what.  However, lately all of this has not happened and it really has created a lot of anxiety and stress.  Again, I know, I shouldn't try to be in control and I should let God, but that has been incredibly tough for me lately.  This beloved test I have been studying and trying to pass for a year - that is right A WHOLE YEAR!!! It is annoying, frustrating, and probably the first time in my life where I am not achieving something that I want/need so badly and have been working incredibly hard at.  It has not only caused me stress but has effected my family, friends, and my relationship with God.  I literally have felt like a hamster on a wheel, going and going with no end in sight - exhausted.  As I reflect back over this year there has been many joyous occasions - I graduated from OU with my master's degree, we have figured out a lot of questions and medical issues with Landry, my daughter continues to do so well in school, and my husband continues to grow in his job.  I landed my first real teaching job and absolutely love it! I am incredibly grateful for all of these things.
However, sometimes those blessings can become cloudy when life hits us with road blocks.  I have hit many many road blocks as I mentioned above this test and now my health.  I haven't written a lot about it because well, truthfully I am still getting used to this "being real" thing and there hasn't been any answers.  I have been feeling incredibly exhausted, like to the point where I nearly fall asleep driving to and from work, could literally lay my head down and sleep at any given moment of the day and that is with any amount of sleep I may get.  There are other things going on and I have had a few ultra sounds, an MRI, and other tests and still no results. I am not wanting something to be wrong, but I know there is, and again I want to fix it. I am tired of not having any energy to enjoy life.  This is where I know I need to trust God but my faith is like shifting sand right now.  I do not like where I am at spiritually, I am trying to work my way through it, it's hard.  So while I am on this cloudy journey of doubt and discouragement I am still hanging on to the fact that God loves me unconditionally no matter what, there is some peace in that. I do hope that I can find my way out of this black hole I am in.  I feel as if me being a wife, a mother, a friend, and just being "me" is off track - I am trying to have it all together, keep the house stuff together - bills, laundry, meals, shopping, cleaning - and it's not together - I have missed bills, haven't really cooked at all, had to have someone help clean, and rarely have the essentials of groceries stocked in our pantry. I have missed out on some q/t time with my kids, it sucks.
Perhaps God is telling me that I can't be super woman, I can't do it all and that it is okay.  Knowing, accepting, and living that are all completely different.  I am nowhere near accepting or living it.  I feel after this test in a few weeks and I pass, I can breathe again, and will be able to focus on life like I did prior to this test.  Perhaps, I am kidding myself and need to learn it now in the mess of my life.  I know life will never be easy, there will always be roadblocks, but this is one road block that would remove so much stress and anxiety and maybe even get rid of my health issues I am having.  I don't have the answers, I don't know the outcome of my test or my health. I still have to keep moving, try to find the words to pray and ask for God's leading, and still find joy every single day of my life.
If you have read this far, many thanks. I know that some who read my blogs may think it is ridiculous that I write about such personal issues or that I am looking for sympathy or recognition.  I am not.  If this offends anyone or causes anyone to shy away from talking to me or just sharing life with me, then I guess I have to accept that and move on. I have noticed people tend to not know how to "deal" with others are are open and real, they are uncomfortable because that means, really they are going to have to be vulnerable and real at some point as well, in order for that relationship to grow.  I still have trouble with that, but through this blog, I have over come a lot of fear in this.
Love to all who are sticking with me, praying for me, and just doing life with me.  I am thankful for you.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 234 - Thankfulness

What I am thankful for today:
Blooming trees and flowers
Landry hugging me tightly when I picked him up today
Landry calling me either "mom mom" or "mommy cynda"
Hadley sitting on my lap telling me about her bad day with her best friend
My husband going grocery shopping while I studied
Cherry pie
Hot tea
My pillow

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Day 233 - Comfort Food

Sometimes after a draining day physically, mentally, and emotionally, comfort food is necessary.  I am growing weary of all the medical tests, waiting for results, reading results that scare the crap out of me, waiting for the Dr. to call, and wanting to feel better.  So tonight I am thankful I was able to rest, thankful for chicken and noodles for dinner, and for peach cobbler for dessert.  I feel beat down some days, but I know that God still has a hold of me and for that I am thankful as well.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Day 232 - Thankful for Landry's ENT Check-Up

I am so happy that Landry's ENT check up with the surgeon at Children's was a positive one! He doesn't need another set of tubes and his hearing is perfect! It is the little things such as this that can really make your day.  So happy that he doesn't have to go through another surgery, and thankful he's only had a few ear infections this year.  Blessed.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Day 231 - Warm Weather and Ice Cream

Thankful that today was 80 degrees and sunny! I am thankful we were able to eat outside, grab our first Spring frozen custard, and watch the kids run around at the park on campus.  Thankful to have spent an evening with friends.  Looking forward to having more warm summer nights like tonight.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Day 230- Sunshine and Coffee With a New Friend

So thankful that today was warm and beautiful and lots of sunshine! After the lovely experience of my first MRI this morning, I was able to enjoy being outside.  It was so nice to just be with my kids outside watching them play and having our first meal of the year on our deck!  I am also incredibly thankful for a 3 hr. coffee date with a new friend.  I have mentioned how blessed we are to have found a wonderful small group from church.  We all seem to really connect and are real with each other.  I was so excited that I received a text from Erin to have a coffee date.  I think a lot of times especially as a person gets older, it becomes more and more difficult to be open and be real.  It seems it takes months, years, and maybe never to achieve that level of talking about the real stuff, that hard stuff that we deal with in our personal lives.  However, there are those rare times when you meet someone and you just "click".  You are a little apprehensive of how things will go, but then after a few minutes you just feel comfortable and you start talking.  Before you know it, it has been hours and you realize you have talked and shared things that you haven't shared with perhaps your own family or friends you have known for years.  I am thankful for these rare friendships, thankful for having discussions that you truly feel that person "gets" the things you struggle with, friends that listen, really listen.  Tonight was definitely good for  my soul, incredibly thankful.

My first flower that Landry picked for me

Friday, April 11, 2014

Day 229- Friday

What a long long week. So thankful for the weekend.  Thankful to hear my babes laugh tonight.  Thankful to celebrate my mother in laws birthday tonight. Thankful for sleep tonight.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Day 228- Singing

Singing can most definitely help bring some peace to my soul.  It has been a crummy few weeks and after a crappy afternoon, I decided to crank Pink in the car and sing.  I love to do this while driving but rarely get to with the kids in the car (listening to Pink or my music that is), but when I listen to Pink it just really helps release anger and frustration.  She is such a talented singer and songwriter and I just love that she holds nothing back when she writes her songs.  She doesn't care what she says, she just writes what she feels based on what season of life she is in.  I am thankful for the five minute drive by myself and being able to turn the music up loud and sing.
I am also thankful that I had worship band practice at church tonight.  Singing songs that talk about God's love, grace, and forgiveness immediately fills my heart with peace.  Worship songs have always been a huge part of my life whether I am listening or singing them, and I am so thankful that I can find God's peace and comfort through those songs.
Thankful for music and the power it has.  Thankful for the peace it brings.  Thankful I can meet God while singing these songs.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Day 227 - When My Husband Can Wipe Away the Tears

There truly is no one like my husband who can wipe away my tears.  I had just gotten home from yet another doctors appointment, I believe this to be the 6th appointment in a span of two weeks, and I had just reached my limit of holding it together today.  Each time I see a doctor I hear the same things: lets do more tests, blood work, refer to a specialist, well it could be this or that, and a new one today:  "You don't look well at all, you are not yourself."  Normally I may be a little offended if a doctor said this, especially if  I barely knew them, but this doctor has known me for a few years, so I just nodded my head in agreement.  I am growing weary of having different speculations of what is going on with me each time I leave the office without any answers.  I am tired of feeling the way I do, tired of it getting in the way of life, I am just tired.  As I was explaining what the doctor said today to Josh I just broke down because I simply can not keep going like this and I am tired. And without a beat, Josh was there to hug me and wipe away my tears.   Even though after having my crying session today did not "fix" me, it simply comforted me.  I am so thankful I have my husband by my side every day, to wipe away my tears, and to gently say, "We are in this together, I am here for you." God is so good.  Thankful for my Josh.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Day 226- Celebrating My Birthday in April

As I was walking through Kroger's with my tired-no-nap-three-year-old-son, and so ready to go home and sleep, my sweet hubby called and surprised me.  My birthday is just a few weeks after Christmas, four days after New Year's and usually falls on the weekend of my husband's company Holiday weekend party.  That in translation means, we usually do not get around to having a "family birthday dinner."  Josh always has amazing intentions for he and the kids to either take me out or cook for my birthday, but life happens and we move on to the next family member with the birthday.  So tonight was a very nice surprise when I found out that I didn't have to cook and we were going to my favorite place - Casa!  Not only did we get to enjoy a nice dinner as a family, but I was showered with a beautiful card made by my sweet Hadley that said, "Happy Birthday in April Mommy".  My sweet husband purchased a gift certificate for a "day of beauty" at a spa!!! I am so stoked to have my nails done, hair cut, massage, and a facial! He is amazing and I am so thankful for him! I am thankful for a great dinner with my family!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Day 225 of Thankfulness

What I am thankful for today:
my supporting and loving husband
our small group at church
hugs and kisses from my kids
forgiveness from my daughter when I was grumpy with her
prayer from others

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 224 - Laughter From My Children

There was a lot of laughter ringing out of my children today.  A lot of joking and playing tricks were said and played by Hadley today.  Landry's expressions and the way he talks did not only get us laughing, but he cracks himself up, which then in turn makes us laugh harder.  There was laughter between both of them during the rare moments of them playing together.  Laughter is so good for the soul, and today we all had a great dose of it, much needed.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Day 223 - Morning Breakfast Fun

Thankfully we all feel somewhat normal today! I was happy to have a few cups of coffee after not having any for three days.  Our power was out this morning so we decided to go to our favorite restaurant in Athens for breakfast - Casa Nueva.  It was such a fun morning with lots of laughter, smiles, learning letters, playing Hang Man, cars, pretend, and of course yummy food and coffee! I realized today as I was watching Josh and Landry going over letters and having Landry recognize his name on paper, that my little guy is no longer a toddler, but a little boy.  He is speaking in sentences, saying bigger words, using so much expression, and just growing up.  I am also was in awe of how much older my Hadley Grace is, she will be eight in just a few months, so hard to believe.  It seems that you don't really see how much your children grow because of the rat race of life, but when you have small moments such as this morning, you see just how much they have grown.  Thankful for our power going out so that we could have this time this morning.  Thankful for the still moments this morning with my family.  God is good!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Day 222 - Box of Chocolates

As much as it drives me crazy, I find it a bit funny that my Hadley loves to sample things.  These things that she sometimes samples do not always belong to her, which brings the humor to the situation.  Today Hadley received her box of chocolates that she sold for school.  She had only asked me to order her one, and the rest were what others ordered.  I come home and she couldn't wait to tell me the candy was in and that they tasted soo good. I asked her how she knew and she said, "Well, I opened just a few boxes, tried them, they were soo good!" I had told her they were for other people.  This is the response that after a few minutes was hilarious, " Well, I just took two, and I taped the boxes back up!" Oh, my Hadley.  She really has no ill intentions to be disobedient, she literally just thought it would be okay to "sample" them.  There have been other things that she has "sampled" and it makes me smile.  Love her. Love her "samples". In some sort of weird way, this reminds me of the simplicity of life.  She finds the joy in little things like a box of chocolates.  There is always so much I can learn from my children. Thank you God for my sweet girl and for simplicity and joy in the little things.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 221- Something's Got To Give

This past week has been crappy, one I'd prefer to not happen again.  To top off the week, both Josh and I are sick, the dreaded stomach virus.  Pushing through work and kids with no sleep at all and feeling horrible is terrible.  Here is my list of what I'm thankful for today, little hard to come up with one today:
My kids smiling faces
Going to sleep when I got home from work
And hoping We will all sleep tonight

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 220 - Sleep and Faithful Friends Through It All

Exhaustion doesn't even begin to describe what I feel right now. So for that being said, I am thankful for my bed and sleep tonight.  I am thankful for friends who pray for me when I don't have the energy to do it.  I am thankful for friends who encourage and support me in EVERY stage of life and who make the effort to know what is going on in every aspect of my life on a daily basis - doing life together.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Day 219- Clinging Onto Hope

I am thankful to have hope in Christ to hang onto.  Sometimes that is just all there is.  God tells us to lay it all at His feet and He will give us rest.  He tells us to give our worries and anxieties to Him because He cares for us.  That is the hope I am trying to cling to.  I am thankful I have this hope in Him.
I Peter 5:7 - Cast all of your anxiety on Him because He cares for you.
Matthew 11:28 - Come to Me all who are heavy laden and burdened, and I will give you rest.