Friday, March 28, 2014

Day 215- What.A.Day.

If I am being real on this blog, this day has sucked.  I am an emotional mess.  My sweet son got sick again, very random, and seems fine now, but as always with my Landry boy I worry so much when he is sick, especially now that we are finding out all of these allergies he now has.  However, I am thankful that tonight he is feeling better, praying, praying, he stays healthy.  As I mentioned a few blogs back, I haven't felt good in months, the fatigue and other issues have gotten progressively worse and has sent me to the doctors this week.  Some of the news I found out today sent me into a mess, but I only found out parts of what is going on and will find out more next week.  Of course I find things out today when my son is sick, my husband is out of town, and today is a day where I do not feel good at all.  You ever have those moments where you literally just walk out to your car and cry? Yeah that was me today.  Today was a day that I wish I had a mom to call and ask her to come over and just be with me.  Today was a day where I wish I could have called a friend to come and cry with me, tell me this sucks, eat take out, perhaps watch a chick flick, and then tell me everything will be okay.  Today I wanted to just be hugged from my husband and hear him tell me it will be okay.  I could not do any of the above, which left me feeling pretty lonely.  I had to settle for a phone call to my husband and a friend, which helped a little, but not a lot.
I am not writing this for pitty or to wear my emotions on my sleeve, because even if you know me in the slightest, knows I am definitely not one to get emotional in front of people (which by the way, yeah I did at work today in front of co-workers, embarrassing), I am not one to ask for help or prayer for myself, or to tell the world that my life sucks.  I am writing to say that in the midst of this horrible, emotional melt-down day, I am still thankful.  I am thankful I am seeking the answers to my health issues and will hopefully get it all figured out.  I am thankful for my sweet daughter who is trying so hard to understand why I am extremely tired all of the time and irritable some days.  I am thankful that I have a God who comforts, heals, and loves me in the midst of my emotional messes.


  1. Love you, Jacynda! Praying for you, my sweet friend.

  2. Sending love your way Jacy!! Thanks for being real. It helps the rest of us be open and honest too!! I will be thinking of you today as I walk. Love you!!
