Monday, March 17, 2014

Day 204 - Forgiveness

Forgiveness - Such a simple yet hard thing to do.  Our small group from church is currently reading/studying a book on marriage and tonight was about forgiveness.  I am so thankful for this word, this action that takes place by God, between husband and wife, and between any relationship one may have.  I could write and write about forgiveness, but tonight I'll just say that I am incredibly thankful that no matter what, God forgives me.  His grace is more than I can comprehend and does not have to be earned or won.  Forgiveness from my husband is truly unbelievable as well.  I am thankful that Josh forgives me daily, I don't have to earn it with him either.  Forgiveness  is a simple word but a word that can make or break a relationship.  I am thankful that I am forgiven daily by my God and by my husband, because Lord knows I am not a perfect wife, I screw up everyday.

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