Saturday, March 22, 2014

Day 209- Saturday's

Saturday's usually are always great days.  For most, it is a day to be with family and friends, a day of relaxation.  I am thankful for my morning errands with my sweet girl Hadley.  We enjoyed The Farmer's Market, searching for yard sales, lunch, and Hadley searching for the perfect wallet.  This was her first time understanding the concept of saving money to buy something she really wanted.  She had saved $10 and wanted to find one that of course was cheaper then that.  She made sure to tell me I wasn't allowed to give her any money and that she wanted to buy it all on her own.  It was fun to watch her find one, her excitement when it was only $5.00, and to see her count her change and had the cashier the right amount.  Her being proud of her purchase was an understatement! I am thankful to see her grow up and learn to be more and more independent.  I am thankful for the one on one times with her.  I am also thankful for the beautiful day we had with sunshine and fresh air!  Thankful for Saturdays!

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