Thursday, March 13, 2014

Day 200 - Food, Hair, Shoes, and Boy Talk

I am so in trouble with my girl! We had a mommy-daughter date tonight and you can guess what she wanted to talk about at dinner - Boys! Her crush! She is only 7 1/2 :) However, I welcomed it, we talked, we laughed, it was girl talk over some yummy BBQ.  She got her hair cut tonight and we went shopping for shoes! Finally my girl is excited to shop! We had fun trying on sparkly, colorful shoes and sandals and she walked out with some cute tourquoise sandals with gold designs on the top! It was super fun to be with her tonight! I had a lot of work and studying to do, plus make a dessert for work tomorrow but instead I decided to put off my work and studying and bought a dessert instead! It felt good! I usually stress out and not enjoy what I am doing, but tonight, I enjoyed  my time with my girl! I am so thankful God blessed me with a daughter.  Thankful for good food, watching her light up as she got her hair cut, shopping for shoes, and even though it scares me, yes, even the boy talk! :) I especially loved the answer to this question, "Hadley, what about (crush's name) personality to like the most?" Hadley," Well, I just think he is handsome. I have never talked to him." They were on the same basketball team and they never talked! Love in second grade...Thankful!
On our way to shop for shoes!

New hair!

Excited to 

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