Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 206 - Thankful For My Husband's Thoughtfulness

One of my worst fears and causes of anxiousness is the stomach bug.  Poor Hadley woke up with it today. I hate seeing her so sick.  I am thankful that my husband works from home so that sometimes when our kids are sick, more so Hadley because she is old enough too, I am still able to go to work.  Throughout the day sweet Hadley would send me texts and pictures (from her daddy's phone) telling me how sick she was and how much she missed me.  My sweet husband knowing how anxious I get when the kids are sick, left me a voice mail to just tell me, it will be okay, we'll all be fine, and that he loves me.  There was no talk of him being disappointed or frustrated with me because I get anxious, it was simply pure love and reassurance.  I am thankful I have a husband who loves me so much, who understands me, who gets me, and who thinks of me and what I may need at a particular moment.  Because of his voice mail, I was able to get through the rest of the day without too much worry and fear.  Thankful for my sweet husband.

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