Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 213 - Finding Thankfulness In the Midst of Yuckiness

Today has been an extremely long day.  I am utterly exhausted, feeling run down, and to top it off, my little guy is sick.  As I wrote last week, throw-up seriously sends me into an anxiety frenzy.  So despite this episode, I started thinking and listing what I am thankful for tonight.
1. We have no carpet anywhere in our house - a plus when someone throws-up.
2. He only threw up once (so far) praying that was the only time.
3. Landry perked up and said his tummy didn't hurt anymore afterwards.
4. The hubby and I had a yummy salad from Texas Roadhouse since it was 9pm before we were able to sit down and eat.
5. I found dairy free saltines (seriously crackers have milk-insane) at Kroger's, reason why we had take-out for our 9pm dinner.
6. My husband is a rock star when it comes to our kids being sick.
7. That I have a working washing machine and dryer to wash everything.
8.  Hadley is enjoying some time with her Nanny for spring break, which helps when taking care of a sick kiddo.
9. God is good, even in the midst of yuckiness.

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