Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 198 of Thankfulness - Laughter Is Good For the Soul

Some days the silliness of Hadley drives me absolutely crazy to the point she often gets into trouble and has to face consequences.  However, today, I welcomed it, well, after after she got in trouble once, but then I did.  Today was a rather disappointing day, this week has been full of a lot of anxiety for me, and laughter was good medicine.  I am thankful that Hadley often sees the not so serious side of life; she is always being funny, likes to make up jokes, and rarely likes to be serious.  While this does often lead to her getting into trouble for disobeying, I do think she is on to something. I take like too serious more so than I let loose and just laugh.  Laughter can get you through a lot of things, and for that I am grateful.  I need to learn more from Hadley; embracing life, enjoying life, and laugh.  Thankful for the ways God teaches me things through my kids.  Hadley's laugh is infectious among our family, especially Landry.  She will do something silly and Landry will just laugh and continue laughing at whatever anyone says, it's priceless.  Thankful for laughter.  Thankful for my kiddos and all the silliness and laughter they bring into our house.  God is good!

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