Monday, January 6, 2014

My Word for 2014 - Josh, My Love..Day 137

I am pretty excited to write this blog tonight.  I have been wanting to write this for this past week, but since I've been beginning this blog I have become to believe when you write anything, you have to be in the "right" mind set to do so.  I started last year as having a word for the year and it was JOY.  Having a word for the year means it is something I work on everyday, ways to strive to achieve in this case JOY in every aspect of my life, reading scripture on JOY, praying to have JOY, etc.  While I will forever everyday continue seeking JOY, my new word, or I should say person I will be seeking to bless more is my husband JOSH.  Aside from God, he is the absolute most important person in my life. He's my best friend, my soul mate, my partner in this thing called parenting, he is awesome.  I have chosen Josh to be my word for 2014 so that I can grow in being the wife I need to be for him.  I am far from perfect in being his wife and I will never be perfect, no such thing, but I know there are areas I can grow in, always will be.
This year I choose to focus on my husband, focusing on blessing him, encouraging him, loving him unconditionally, being more of a best friend, being his life partner and as he calls it "his buddy".  It is easy to let the wife/buddy role slip when I became a mom, so much energy goes into taking care of the kids that there is barely any energy left to just be a wife.  My hope is that this year as I put forth more effort, prayer, and energy into my love, our marriage will grow more then I could ever dream of!  

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