Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 139...Thankful for My Being Back in the Classroom

While I did love being on break and having the extra snow days, I must admit I did miss my students.  It was nice to be back in the classroom seeing everyone.  Since I knew that they were so eager to share what they got for Christmas and what they did over break, instead of digging right into my lesson plans, I decided to have a "share" time as part of my lesson plans. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to their excitement about what they received for Christmas and what they did over break.  I also was feeling so thankful that the students I wasn't sure if they'd have presents to unwrap, had presents to unwrap.  It still amazes me that you can learn so much about students and what goes on outside of school just by the simple activity we did today in class.  Sadly, there was other sad news that I found out as well that breaks my heart, someones grandma passed away, and I would not have known this if we didn't do this activity.  Knowing this sad news effects the way I teach and interact with this student, and hopefully can help this student deal with this.   Things like this just reminds me of why I chose this career.  I truly love these students, and they bless me so much.  I am so thankful for each of them, and thankful for being back in the classroom with them!

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