Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thankful for My Dad..Day 86

There is something special about a father/daughter relationship.  I have had that with my father and I see it with Hadley and Josh.  I am very thankful for my dad.  He raised my brother and I since we were very young.  He is a farmer, a very hard worker, and always made sure we had what we needed.  I am thankful that he instilled that in me, to always work hard, be independent, and to be able to support myself.  I am thankful he took us to church every Sunday and tht he led by example.  I am thankful that he taught me how to be respectful to others and to always treat people with kindness no matter what.  My dad and I have been blessed to take a few trips together, those are special memories that I will never forget.  Both trips involved seeing my brother, once in Nashville, and the other when he graduated from boot camp.  My dad loves to have a good time by cranking up the music in the car, stopping and eating some great food, and getting out and exploring places.  My dad doesn't know a stranger and will talk to anyone about anything for hours, especially if it involves farming. I don't know what kind of person I would be today if it weren't for my dad raising me most of my life.  I am incredibly thankful for him! God is good!
Myrtle Beach Trip Sept 2010
Trip to see my bro graduate from Boot Camp May 2009

Love this of him and Hadley Myrtle Beach 2010

Comparing -Yes I was 8 months Prego with Landry :)

Father's Day 2009

First time holding Hadley June 2006

First time holding Landry - 11/9/10

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