Friday, November 15, 2013

A Mentor, Mother Figure, and Sweet Friend...Miss Becky Hammond..Day 87

I was just a little college freshman at Cincinnati Bible College and joining in with everyone else, signing up for a discipleship group (D-group).  I had no idea who the leaders were or who to sign up with, so a few friends and I were standing there trying to choose when one girl said, you should join Becky's group! Our friend said she went to church with her, she is funny, nice, and full of energy.  I signed up and at that moment had no clue what the next many years would bring.
Our first group, I  have to admit I wasn't sure what to expect and literally thought that this Becky was a crazy lady! :) She was sweet, welcoming, nice, but did I mention full of energy!!??  I kept going to group and eventually developed an awesome relationship with her.  She literally took me and our group as adoptive daughters that year.  She was a mom, ministers wife, grandma, an awesome women's speaker at events, piano player, singer, cook, etc, you name it she could do it! I thought she was wonder woman!  We finished the year and I signed up again the next year, and the next.  Eventually through her commitment to me, her love and mentoring to me really helped shaped the woman I am today.  God knew just what I needed and when I needed it.  Becky is extrememely thoughtful. I am so thankful that she put so much time and energy into me.  She would send me encouragement notes when I needed them, she sent food to school with her husband who was a prof there during finals week, she had me over for dinner on  many occasions to be able to just relax and get away from school and of course always had a fabulous meal preparred.  Becky loved her tea, and would always have that ready as well.  In fact, she invited me to tag along on a weekend with her when she spoke at a womens conference and we went to a neat little tea room.
As our relationship grew,  I began to have trust in women again and realized that God placed her in my life for a reason.  A few years later, her husband Dean, married Josh and I and she played the piano at our wedding.  I then flew from Va to stay with her, here in Ohio for a weekend a few years after we were married and moved away from Ohio.  I am so thankful that after all those years we stayed in touch.  Even though now after 14 years, we don't keep in touch as much as we used to or as often I'd like (crazinesss of life), through facebook we can still keep up, I still treasure her so much. She is just one of those ladies you can sit and have a cup of tea and talk, and talk, gaining so much wisdom and insight, and experencing the joy that God has filled her with. I am so thankful for her, thankful for her heart, thankful for her positive influence in my life! I love you Becky and miss you a lot! Thank you for your friendship and for being such a wonderful lady in my life!

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