Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 90...Thankful for My Grandparents!

My grandparents, Don and Shirley, are truly one of a kind! They along with my dad, helped raised me! I was blessed to only live about 5 minutes from them growing up, attended the same church as them, and saw them daily since my dad and grandpa farmed together!  I learned many things from my grandma, how to bake, cook, keep a clean house, and her specialty - homemade pie crusts! I also learned how to be organized, devoted to your work, practice hard for things you want to do, and ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS WHEN WALKING IN THE DOOR! :)  My grandma always loved having us over and would make her special chocolate milkshakes.  I am grateful for her and all the things she has taught me, the most important thing I believe she taught me is that God should always be the center of your life, I learned that mostly from just watching her.
My grandpa is almost 83 and he is one of the hardest working men, still, that I know.  He will not slow down for anything, still helping on the farm, which I believe is what keeps him young.  His dedication to church has always stuck with me, he has always led in some way.  My most favorite thing about him that I loved growing up in church with him was when he led the communion or offering meditation.  Even though they were usually lengthy :), they had a lot of heart mixed in with the scripture he read, I love that about my grandpa.  He is always willing to help us or anyone out if they needed it.  When he asks how things are going with me, and if things were a bit rough or stressful, he always says, " We'll get through it, we'll make it."  I always noticed the "We'll", not "You'll", while we now live a few hours apart, and at one time more then 6 hrs apart, he would still be apart of that "we'll".  I know he always prays for us, no matter where we are.  My grandpa is also pretty funny in his own way.  He loves to be with this family, take us out to dinner or for ice cream at the local dairy corner, always have and will make special fun memories while with him!
I am so thankful that I am still able to see and be with my grandparents. I am blessed, my children are blessed to grow up with them as well.  Love you both so much! God, thank you for these fine set of grandparents and that they are alive and healthy!
Christmas 2012

Holding Landry for the first time - Nov. 2010

Landry's 1st birthday 11911

1st birthday 11911

Landry's 3rd birthday 11913

Thanksgiving 2009

Christmas 2006

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