Friday, November 1, 2013

November...Typical Month of Thankfulness..Day 73

This is the month where a lot of people post/write/say what they are thankful for since we are approaching Thanksgiving.  Since this is day 73 of writing what I have been thankful for, I decided to use this month to be a little more specific.  I am going to write everyday about people who have and/or in my life and why I am thankful for them.  I know I am guilty of being very thankful for people and not letting them know that I am thankful for them.  Today I am thankful for my 4th grade co-teachers, Missy and Shelly!  I have mentioned before that I couldn't have picked better teachers to work alongside with.  They are and have been extremely supportive and encouraging since I began working with them.  They have created a "team" environment, we plan everyday together, eat lunch everyday together, and work together on just about anything that we can together.  Shelly and Missy have been teaching together for I believe close to eleven years and never once have I felt like a third wheel coming into this position.  They have been very warm and inviting as if I've been teaching with them all of these years.  My job would not be as enjoyable as it is if I didn't have them as my co-teachers.  I am thankful for not only a professional relationship, but for their friendship as well!
They will probably kill me for putting up this picture, but this is a picture of us at pajama day today in our matching pants.  Thankful for new co-workers, and new friends!

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