Saturday, November 30, 2013

Making Memories...Day 102

Today was another family day.  It has been super nice to be together and today was another memorable day.  We decorated for Christmas and put up our tree.  I was a little bummed that we weren't able to stick with our tradition of going to a local tree farm and cutting down our tree, instead we have an artificial one.  We had to due to Landry's asthma, but hey, if we bypass him having pneumonia this year, a fake tree it shall be.  This Christmas will be a delight since it's the first year Landry understands what is going on.  His ooh's and aw's over the tree, lights, and decorations were precious.  Hadley was in amazement when we would find all of her ornaments she has made the past few years and also quite proud of her creations.  I love Christmas and all the decor, but it weighs heavy on my heart and my husbands too, that we really instill in our children why we celebrate Christmas.  It is hard to teach kids that it is not about the presents, Santa, lists, eating, etc.  I am reading a different advent children's book this year as well as other things to hopefully get into a life style of loving others and sharing Christ and His love.  Thankful for this time of year to reflect on Christ's birth and how to truly love others.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Day 101....Good Friday with My Family

Today was Black  good friday for the Lynch household.  We all slept in, went to brunch, and then went to the movies along with the rest of Athens County. lol But it was a fun day.  We haven't had a day where it was just the four of us, not on any particular schedule, just a family day, loved it.
The movie was Frozen which is pretty cute and funny, but I absolutely loved watching the expressions on both Landry's and Hadley's faces more than the movie itself.  Their glazed over look of wonder is something precious to look at.  To hear their giggles throughout the movie is pure music to my ears.  I am so thankful for this day, a day off of work, a day off of house chores, and day of just simply being a family.  God is good!
Landry engaged in his popcorn and movie

Sweet boys

And this funny face is what encompasses my little girl - always making us laugh and being silly

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 100 - What a Fitting Day for This To Be My 100th Day of Thankfulness

Whoo hoo! What an awesome 100 days that I have been able to experience.  I am incredibly blessed, I would think that, say it, but not until I have been intentional daily about being thankful have I truly believed how blessed I am.  Today was a great day of being with our good friends who happens to also be our neighbors.  This was our second year of sharing this holiday with them, and I must say some of our favorite years of Thanksgiving.  Today has been stress free, no rushing around, no schedule, just simply preparing food (which our friends can seriously smoke a mean turkey and whip up some awesome side dishes), eating food, and hanging out over good tasty wine (beer for the guys), and our kids playing together.  We are so blessed to have some great neighbors when we moved to Athens six years ago.  It has been nice having children in the same grade at school, and I've been blessed to have been watching their oldest daugther after school since she's been in Kindergarten and who is now is 5th grade.  I am so thankful for the Weber's; their friendship and their hospitality.
I am thankful for a morning of snuggling with my hubby and children while watching the Macy's Day parade and eating yummy pancakes that Josh made us.  I am thankful that for the past 100 days, God has truly, truly been revealing to me of what it s like to experience JOY, His unspeakable JOY.  Thank you God for loving me through these past 100 days.  I am truly thankful for all that You have given me, You are so good!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 99...Thankful For A Weekend of Rest

I am incredibly thankful for another night of seeing family.  I am thankful that the rest of the weekend involves just hanging out with awesome friends, my kiddos, and my husband. I am thankful that after tomorrow I can start decorating for Christmas!!  I am also very grateful for my warm bed and to be able to sleep past 5am tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 98...Cousins, Aunts, Uncles..Thanksgiving is Here!

I especially love this time of year because Josh's aunt/uncle and cousins fly in from Colorado!   We all pile into Nanny's house, eat lots of great food, and laugh a lot!  They are just some of those people that you wish you could spend a lot more time with.  It is especially more special this year since we have a precious new baby girl to love on and that one of Josh's cousins now lives back in Ohio.  There is something in having babies, toddlers, and children running around and playing.  I am so thankful for this time to see them, thankful that they are such awesome people to hang out with.  I am thankful that we can pick up where we left off a year ago, talk about what is going on in our lives, and what God is up to in our lives.  I am thankful to see my Hadley so excited that she can barely stand it to see her cousin Chloe who is a senior in High School, but still plays with Hadley and enjoys slumber parties with my girl.  Thanksgiving is such a great holiday, no stress of presents, just simply being with family and friends, and great food.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Day 97...Thankful for Words of Appreciation

I tried something different with my students today, something I learned at the conference I attended last week.  I began our class with having the students stand in a circle and had them turn to their left, give their peer a high five and tell them one thing they appreciated about them.  The first time around most of the answers were, "I like your shirt." "You are pretty!" The second time I had them turn to their right, give a fist bump, and they had to say a specific personality trait (we often talk about character/personality traits in Reading; so this tied in very well) to their peer.I was amazed at their responses this time. "You have become a better writer." "You always include me at recess." "You are very kind."  "You are a really great friend to me."
What really got me was after I went around and asked each student how they felt when they heard these things, most of the responses were, "I felt good."  One particular student responded, "It felt amazing because I never hear good things about me." Tears welled up in my eyes, and a lump appeared in my throat.  This student has been in several foster care homes, and has had a very rough life.  Another student who tends to have an attitude and not care about being in school said, "I actually felt like a real person."  Tears again.  I am thankful that all three of my classes felt good about themselves today, some it seemed for the first time, others from their peers that they never thought they'd hear that from.  I am thankful that for the students who do not have a great home life can feel safe and loved when they come to school.
Today was a great lesson in that we make an effort to tell someone at least once, why they appreciate them.  Thankful for words of appreciation.  God is good!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Day 96..Thankful for Beautiful Things

If you know me, you know how much music is important to me. I absolutely love to sing, it is good for my soul, heals and soothes my soul.  There is something about singing to God, about God, and for God that can bring so much peace.  We have been singing this awesome song at church called Beautiful Things - The lyrics are so profound:

"Beautiful Things" by Gungor

All this pain
I wonder if I’ll ever find my way
I wonder if my life could really change at all
All this earth
Could all that is lost ever be found
Could a garden come up from this ground at all

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us

All around
Hope is springing up from this old ground
Out of chaos life is being found in You

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us

You make me new, You are making me new
You make me new, You are making me new

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us
The chorus
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us

This brings me so much peace, hope, and a sense of belonging that I can't describe.  This song is one of those where I could just cry during it because of just how much power is in this song.  Have you ever felt that way about a song? Especially when you are surrounded by your church family?, it can't be explained really until you expererience yourself.  
I am so thankful that God can make beautiful things out of me, my dirt filled heart and mind, He can still make beautiful things despite all of my sin.  I am thankful that we have a God who always sees the beauty in us, I pray I can see a glimpse out of His lens when I see people, instead of the dirt.  God is good!
Here is the link if you want to hear this beautiful song:

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 95..Thankful for My Home - Cars, Clutter, Laundry and All

Ninety-five days ago I would have missed out on time spent sitting curled up with my kids in my lap, but not today.  If you are a mom and go out of town for a few days, you know that chances are when you come home there are mounds of laundry even though it was caught up before you left, toys everywhere, and clutter everywhere.  I write this not to complain about the house not being in tip top shape or that my husband didn't do a good job at cleaning, I write this to say I am thankful my house was like this when I came home.  Really? Yes! Coming home to mounds of laundry, toys everywhere, and clutter on the table and counters means that my children were not neglected by their dad.  Stepping on little cars in every single room of our house meant my husband got down on the floor and played cars with Landry.  Seeing the clutter of papers and art work completed by my daughter strung out on our dining room table meant that my husband looked at her master pieces and there was conversation about them.  While I LOVE to have a clean, clutter free house, I am truly beginning to embrace the toys, some clutter lol, and mounds of laundry because that means I have people in my house to create all of this.
I am thankful that I can put things off until tomorrow so that I can sit and snuggle and just be with my kids despite all the house stuff that needs done.  I am also thankful I could just sit with them since I had a migraine this afternoon and I still would have cleaned despite my head pounding, making it worse.  I am thankful for these past ninety-five days and how it has taught me to count my blessings and that spending time with my family trumps having a clean-clutter free house 24/7.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Open Arms of My Loves...Day 94

There's nothing sweeter then walking into my house and having my loves running up to me smothering me with hugs and kisses! I am thankful for a great few days of attending a great teachers conference and hanging out with my team of teachers. I am thankful for our safe trip home and to be with my loves again. I am also thankful for sweet puppy kisses! I am thankful to know I'm missed and have a family to come home to! God is good!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 93...It's Beginning To Look A lot Like Christmas

I am thankful for Christmas music, Christmas red coffee cups, lights, and shopping! I am thankful for hearing a choir singing in the middle of the mall. I am thankful for a wonderful day hearing great ideas on how to improve my teaching and for girl time, laughing so hard you cry! Great day! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 92... Thankful for Relaxation

Today through Friday myself along with the teachers I teach with are attending a teachers conference! This is a much needed break to be able to relax and refresh and have some much needed girl time! I am thankful for my awesome co workers who are also my friends! I am thankful for good food, pedicures, and a cozy fire! God is good!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 91...Thankful for My Mom

This will be the second year without my mom for the holidays.  I have mentioned before that she pretty much despised them, I always thought it was just because she was grumpy and miserable and I would get annoyed at her for that
.  However, after doing a lot of soul searching after she passed away, I have an understanding of why she hated the holidays so much.  If I had to endure the heartache caused by her disease of depression, I would hate the holidays as well.  I really do not think time heals, which I have mentioned before in my blogs about her, but it is very true.  I have found myself here lately thinking of her a lot more, wishing she was still here, wishing I could change things, but of course I can't.  In my soul searching I have begun to realize she taught me more then I realized, even more so after her death.  I am thankful that during spurts of growing up, she did teach me about fashion and shopping, she absolutely loved to shop, wear her make up, and have her hair all teased and sprayed with Rave hairspray!  She taught me a little bit about boys and dating.
After she passed away, I have really learned a lot about what she struggled with from day to day, which I believe has helped heal some hurts.  I have learned that no matter what, no matter how small or big that we should cry out to God for help, my mom did that on a daily basis. I am thankful for that lesson.  I am thankful for her just because she was my mom, and I miss her.  I am missing her a lot here lately.  I am missing her because  I wish I could ask her for advice on parenting, I wish I could have her to go shopping with, I am wishing I could've called her and asked her to come help me get ready for my son's 3rd birthday a few weeks ago.  I wish I could be baking christmas cookies and watching christmas movies with her.  I am missing my mom, but am thankful for her, and what she taught me. 
My mom's 50th birthday with Hadley June 2008

Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 90...Thankful for My Grandparents!

My grandparents, Don and Shirley, are truly one of a kind! They along with my dad, helped raised me! I was blessed to only live about 5 minutes from them growing up, attended the same church as them, and saw them daily since my dad and grandpa farmed together!  I learned many things from my grandma, how to bake, cook, keep a clean house, and her specialty - homemade pie crusts! I also learned how to be organized, devoted to your work, practice hard for things you want to do, and ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS WHEN WALKING IN THE DOOR! :)  My grandma always loved having us over and would make her special chocolate milkshakes.  I am grateful for her and all the things she has taught me, the most important thing I believe she taught me is that God should always be the center of your life, I learned that mostly from just watching her.
My grandpa is almost 83 and he is one of the hardest working men, still, that I know.  He will not slow down for anything, still helping on the farm, which I believe is what keeps him young.  His dedication to church has always stuck with me, he has always led in some way.  My most favorite thing about him that I loved growing up in church with him was when he led the communion or offering meditation.  Even though they were usually lengthy :), they had a lot of heart mixed in with the scripture he read, I love that about my grandpa.  He is always willing to help us or anyone out if they needed it.  When he asks how things are going with me, and if things were a bit rough or stressful, he always says, " We'll get through it, we'll make it."  I always noticed the "We'll", not "You'll", while we now live a few hours apart, and at one time more then 6 hrs apart, he would still be apart of that "we'll".  I know he always prays for us, no matter where we are.  My grandpa is also pretty funny in his own way.  He loves to be with this family, take us out to dinner or for ice cream at the local dairy corner, always have and will make special fun memories while with him!
I am so thankful that I am still able to see and be with my grandparents. I am blessed, my children are blessed to grow up with them as well.  Love you both so much! God, thank you for these fine set of grandparents and that they are alive and healthy!
Christmas 2012

Holding Landry for the first time - Nov. 2010

Landry's 1st birthday 11911

1st birthday 11911

Landry's 3rd birthday 11913

Thanksgiving 2009

Christmas 2006

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 89... Thankful for Safety

Tonight I am thankful for safety from the storm.  The news and media hyped up this strong line of storms and tornadoes that hit the Midwest today and this evening, rightfully so after seeing some of the damage on TV.  I am thankful that we were safe here.  I am thankful that my neighbors let me come over and ride the storm out in their basement.  Thank you God for your protection.

Day 89... Thankful for Safety

Tonight I am thankful for safety from the storm.  The news and media hyped up this strong line of storms and tornadoes that hit the Midwest today and this evening, rightfully so after seeing some of the damage on TV.  I am thankful that we were safe here.  I am thankful that my neighbors let me come over and ride the storm out in their basement.  Thank you God for your protection.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

My Cousin and Close Friend... Erica- Day 88

Today is my cousins birthday, Erica. She is my mom's sister's daughter and I am so grateful for the relationship her and I have.  We grew up together only being a few months apart in age.  We were in each other's wedding, and now we are going to our kids birthday parties.  I am thankful for her giving heart, she is always thinking of others and their needs before hers.  She is incredibly smart and a hard worker.  She is an exceptional mother to her girls. I am thankful that through our years growing up, going trick or treating together every year, going to the lake in the summers in the "banana boat" (my aunts car) :) , to having nearly every weekend sleepovers and watching horror movies, still today we are friends.  Despite a few years of not seeing each other much, we reconnected when my mom passed away. She was right there the next day helping me clean out my moms apartment, to helping me sort through pictures and making sure we started seeing each other more.  I am so thankful for her loving heart.  I am thankful that she checked on me daily following the days of my mom dying, I am thankful for our fun weekend getaways to Amish Country and Christmas shopping, we know how to have a good time with our diet coke and and "cherry flavoring" lol.  Love you girl! So thankful for you and our friendship beyond just because we are cousins!

Friday, November 15, 2013

A Mentor, Mother Figure, and Sweet Friend...Miss Becky Hammond..Day 87

I was just a little college freshman at Cincinnati Bible College and joining in with everyone else, signing up for a discipleship group (D-group).  I had no idea who the leaders were or who to sign up with, so a few friends and I were standing there trying to choose when one girl said, you should join Becky's group! Our friend said she went to church with her, she is funny, nice, and full of energy.  I signed up and at that moment had no clue what the next many years would bring.
Our first group, I  have to admit I wasn't sure what to expect and literally thought that this Becky was a crazy lady! :) She was sweet, welcoming, nice, but did I mention full of energy!!??  I kept going to group and eventually developed an awesome relationship with her.  She literally took me and our group as adoptive daughters that year.  She was a mom, ministers wife, grandma, an awesome women's speaker at events, piano player, singer, cook, etc, you name it she could do it! I thought she was wonder woman!  We finished the year and I signed up again the next year, and the next.  Eventually through her commitment to me, her love and mentoring to me really helped shaped the woman I am today.  God knew just what I needed and when I needed it.  Becky is extrememely thoughtful. I am so thankful that she put so much time and energy into me.  She would send me encouragement notes when I needed them, she sent food to school with her husband who was a prof there during finals week, she had me over for dinner on  many occasions to be able to just relax and get away from school and of course always had a fabulous meal preparred.  Becky loved her tea, and would always have that ready as well.  In fact, she invited me to tag along on a weekend with her when she spoke at a womens conference and we went to a neat little tea room.
As our relationship grew,  I began to have trust in women again and realized that God placed her in my life for a reason.  A few years later, her husband Dean, married Josh and I and she played the piano at our wedding.  I then flew from Va to stay with her, here in Ohio for a weekend a few years after we were married and moved away from Ohio.  I am so thankful that after all those years we stayed in touch.  Even though now after 14 years, we don't keep in touch as much as we used to or as often I'd like (crazinesss of life), through facebook we can still keep up, I still treasure her so much. She is just one of those ladies you can sit and have a cup of tea and talk, and talk, gaining so much wisdom and insight, and experencing the joy that God has filled her with. I am so thankful for her, thankful for her heart, thankful for her positive influence in my life! I love you Becky and miss you a lot! Thank you for your friendship and for being such a wonderful lady in my life!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thankful for My Dad..Day 86

There is something special about a father/daughter relationship.  I have had that with my father and I see it with Hadley and Josh.  I am very thankful for my dad.  He raised my brother and I since we were very young.  He is a farmer, a very hard worker, and always made sure we had what we needed.  I am thankful that he instilled that in me, to always work hard, be independent, and to be able to support myself.  I am thankful he took us to church every Sunday and tht he led by example.  I am thankful that he taught me how to be respectful to others and to always treat people with kindness no matter what.  My dad and I have been blessed to take a few trips together, those are special memories that I will never forget.  Both trips involved seeing my brother, once in Nashville, and the other when he graduated from boot camp.  My dad loves to have a good time by cranking up the music in the car, stopping and eating some great food, and getting out and exploring places.  My dad doesn't know a stranger and will talk to anyone about anything for hours, especially if it involves farming. I don't know what kind of person I would be today if it weren't for my dad raising me most of my life.  I am incredibly thankful for him! God is good!
Myrtle Beach Trip Sept 2010
Trip to see my bro graduate from Boot Camp May 2009

Love this of him and Hadley Myrtle Beach 2010

Comparing -Yes I was 8 months Prego with Landry :)

Father's Day 2009

First time holding Hadley June 2006

First time holding Landry - 11/9/10

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thankful for My Sweet and Beautiful Friend- Brittany...Day 85

I know I have mentioned her before, but she's definitely worth mentioning again. :) Brittany - she is such a beautiful lady with her beautiful, giving, and compassionate heart and her contagious smile.  I am so blessed that God brought her into my life about a year ago.  Just in this short year, we have seen each other through some very low and very high times.  There were a few times that without her being there for me, I am not sure how I would've made it through the day.  I absolutely love that every week our families get together and study the Bible and pray for each other.  I love that we can just hang out and share some really deep and personal things in our lives without feeling any judgement, but just love and acceptance.  I am thankful that Brittany is one of those friends that you know you will have for life and she will always give you the honest truth, and will always be there for you no matter what.  I am thankful that I know I can always call her for advice, to vent, and most of all to ask for prayer.  Thank you Jesus for bringing such a sweet friend in my life and answering a prayer of mine since we moved to Athens six years ago, thank you for Brittany!
Last Spring - Double Date Night at Lake Hope

Fun Gals Night Out to Support the Pregnancy Care Center

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thankful for a Wonderful Doctor for My Landry Boy..Day 84

Since my sweet Landry boy has been born there has been a lot of sickness and struggle to find the right doctor.  Living in a small town when it comes to finding excellent medical care is hard to find and has taken literally almost 3 yrs. for us to find it for our son Landry.  Yesterday we had his 3 yr. check up and it was with an excellent pediatrician.  She is pretty popular here and hard to see, infact when we switched to this practice she was not taking any new patients.  We have seen her maybe just one other time and at that time we were very pleased with her.  While Landry is growing and everything, there are a few concerning issues that we as his parents have and so does his doctor.  I am so thankful for her because not only does she have very similiar medical practices as my husband and I do i.e. less antibiotics/meds, more natural ways to handle things, and getting to the bottom of issues he is having, but she is also a mom and she takes the time to really listen, and I truly believe she handles her concerns as she would her own children.
I am thankful that God has provided us with this excellent care from this doctor.  I am also thankful that this doctor has an open door policy, even if we can't get in to see her when we need to, she has told us to have the nurse get her anyways and she'd be there.  It's very evident that Landry needs this type of care and I am thankful that God has provided him with her.  God is the ultimate provider!
Landry boy at 1 month

Monday, November 11, 2013

Remembering Veteran's..Especially My Grandpa and My Brother..Day 83

Hadley wrote this letter of thanks to her favorite Veteran; her Uncle Zechariah.  Her class wrote these today as well as marched in the Veterans Day parade today.  She wore a flower with my brothers name on it as she marched in the parade and all day today.  The neat thing is that she didn't ask me who she should pick, she just knew; she gets what this day is all about!

Veteran's Day has become a more meaningful day in the past four years since my brother served in the Army.  I think this for the obvious reason that my brother was in the Army and served in Iraq.  It has also become more meaningful since I am older and have really began to understand why we have this day and that it is not only to have a day off of work for certain people.  When I really sat and thought about this day there are a lot of emotions that came about.  There is the feeling of being incredibly proud of my brother for serving, knowing the sacrifice he has made with his family, and serving in a dangerous place so that we can be free.  I felt an incredible sadness when I saw pictures of those that died serving our country, the hurt for the family that is left behind, and that they did die for people they didn't even know.  I felt blessed truly blessed to be alive and do the things I love to do, and it is all because of our past, present, and future soldiers who are serving our country.
Tonight I am incredibly thankful for my brother and for his time of servng our country.  It takes a special person to have the strength to leave his family, knowing he would more then likely have to deploy, serve in a dangerous place not knowing if he would make it home alive and well.  I am thankful that my brother served his time and made it back safe and sound from Iraq.  I am thankful he took on the "unknown" and did what he felt he had to do. I am so proud of you, Zechariah! I am thankful you are now home in Ohio and thankful you returned home.
My brother visiting in 2009.

I also want to shout out to my grandfather who served as well! My grandfather Don is a very strong man and hard worker. He will be 83 in a month and you would never know it.  He still gets out on the farm and helps out, helps out a lot at church, so I an only imagine how big of an an assett he was to the military while he served.  Thank you grandpa for your service to this country!

I am so thankful to be alive, the freeedom to do as we please in this country, all because of people like my brother and grandpa who has served to keep us safe!

Thank you to all the Veterans out there!!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Thankful for our Dearest Friends Rob and Jess..Day 82

We met Rob 10 years ago when we moved to Springfield, Va.  He was one of the volunteers who helped me when I was the Children's Director at a church, and he became one of our closest friends there.  A few years later, he met Jess and she as well became one of our dear friends, then we were in their wedding, and here we are! When we lived in Va, it was almost a weekly thing when we'd get together or after Josh and I had Hadley, they'd come over and we'd order take out and watch a movie or play games.  They have been there for all of our ups and downs, helped us move and paint our house so we could sell it, and babysat our Hadley so we could go out on dates.  We have lived in Ohio now for six years, and we only get to see them about twice a year, which isn't nearly enough.  However, I am so thankful that we both take the time to drive out to see each other.  So often as the years go on, friends stop making the time to go visit each other, but we haven't.  This weekend they came out for Landry's birthday, we are blessed to have them as friends  family and that our kids know them as Uncle Rob and Aunt Jess!  I am thankful that whenever Jess and I see each other, we either go shopping or get our pedi's, that the four of us have a double date, and we also just hang out and order pizza at home and play with our kids.  Good friends like Rob and Jess are hard to come by, and I am so thankful God brought them into our lives.  God is good!
Our girls Downton Abby Movie Weekend 2/13

Summer Vacation in DC 6/13

DC Vacation 6/13

My 30th Birthday 1/10

My 30th Birthday 1/10

Rob and Jess's Wedding 1/08

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Celebrating 3 Awesome Years of My Little Man's Life....Day 81

Happy 3rd birthday to my sweet, energetic, fun, big cheek, little guy Landry! I am so so thankful for this little man. He has brought so much joy into my life and I know many others as well.  You can't help but smile when he is in the room, he grins the biggest smile and his cute chubby big cheeks just glow and swallow his face whole with those cheeks! I am so blessed that God chose me to be his momma!
I am thankful for all of our family and close "friends" (who are really family)who celebrated his birthday with us.  It was so awesome to see his face light up everytime someone walked through the door today, he is very loved!  I am thankful that he had such a great day and was surrounded by people who love and care for him so much!
Landry has taught me a lot about life since he was born.  He has taught me to keep trusting God through all of his sicknesses, he has taught me a lot about experiencing and have real joy in my life.  I am thankful that Landry is full of life and can always smile even when he felt bad (which has been a lot) he just keeps on pushing through no matter what.  I am thankful that his heart overflows with love for others.  There isn't anyone that he wouldn't give a hug and a kiss too!  Landry is such a sweetheart and I am so glad I am able to say he is my son, love him so much. Thank you God for giving me my Landry Bracken!
1st Valentine's Day - 2/11

Spring 2011

1st Birthday 11/9/11
Infectious smile!

An example of him being sick hence his face broke out
but he always smiled!!

I am 2!!! 11/12 Wearing the sweater/pants his daddy wore when he was 2

I am 3!! Eating lunch today at his party!

Friday, November 8, 2013

My Students...Day 80!

I absolutely love being a teacher.  Being a teacher is definitely a calling.  Despite how my students can drive me crazy, I absolutley love them! I am so thankful for each of my fouth graders.  Each of them have their unique qualities, which makes each day a challenge and something I look forward to.  I am thankful that I am able to learn a lot by each and every one of them.  I am thankful that they want to share everything with me and can't wait to come into class.  I am thankful that in my particular class, they all have something to say and they are always willing to help me in the room.  I am especially thankful for one student in general, who is incredibly sweet, has has a smile on his face, and the first one to volunteer to do other things in the room..
I am thankful that he has taught me to enjoy the things we have and that we do not need much to be joyful in life.  Thank you God for allowing me to be apart of these students lives!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thankful for Cara..Day 79

I love when God places people in your life that you have "known" for a while but not really "know" until the time God wants it to.  I met a very special young lady at church when she was in high school, we would say hi, small talk on Sundays, but not much more than that.  My husband had grown up with her and her parents but not until our little man was born did we really develop a deeper relationship with this family.  Cara immediately took to my little man, they share a bond that is unexplainable.  Cara has been a very important person in each of my families lives.  I am so thankful for her.  I am thankful that she absolutely loves my kids and would do anything in this world for them. I am thankful for the awesome role model she sets for my Hadley as to what a driven, strong Christian, and what a real beautiful lady truly is from the inside out.  I am thankful that her and I hang out, go out to the movies, shopping, etc.  I am thankful she can just come over and hang out and she fits right into our family.  I am thankful that she is someone I can fully trust and count on to watch my kiddos.  Today I am truly thankful she came over to clean my house since I haven't had time to do so before little man's birthday party this weekend!  She is truly a blessing to our family and I am incredibly thankful for her. I am not sure I have ever told her that, but I love you Cara, you mean a lot to all of us!!! I am also so proud of you and the young lady you have become!!
Celebrating "Ra Ra's" Birthday July 2013

December 2012